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vril's avatar


paypal has a nice APIā€¦
12 years 10 months ago
deepak1990's avatar


12 years 10 months ago
boulderman's avatar


just now boulderman said:

I haven't finished reading all the comments, but before the clipboard in my head overloads I think:...

A list of all your checks is available and should be, but not the way of ranking who has seen the most, it should stay as (it) is.

I think it would be nice to see, when you search (using an improved search engine) if friends or "neighbours" had checked a movie I would think of seeing.

I would like Pro users to have the ability to export to Excel (checked) lists.

I would like Pro users to be able to create 1 (maybe more than 1) personalised list that you can have on a seperate tab (visible by everyone) to the right of the "Miscellaneous" tab called "Personalised Lists" to see how many movies other have seen from your Personal Top 1000 list (I have a top 533 list).

A feature/interview of a particular member could be featured each week/month of a (Pro) user.

Stats to show the frequency of visiting the site (not seeing adding a 'check', plus total hours spent on the site, as well as number of posts/replies they have made on the site, where you can track down where/when you replied.

Also: Ability to delete a post, due to typos etc!

Due to the generousity of Pro users, hopefully a one off donation would keep you guys going...invest wisely, I worry that I would be tethered into constantly having to renew to avoid losing work created in Pro.
12 years 10 months ago
boulderman's avatar


I haven't finished ceading all the comments, but before the clipboard in my head overloads I think:...

A list of all your checks is available and should be, but not the why of ranking who has seen the most, it should stay as is.

I think it would be nice to see, when you search (using an improved search engine) if Friends or "neighbours" had checked a movie I woud think of seeing.

I would like Pro users to have th ebaility to export to Excel (checked) lists.

I would like Pro users to be able to create 1 (maybe more than 1) personalised list that you can have on a seperate tab (visible by everyone) to the right of the "Miscellaneous" tab called "Personalised Lists" to see how many movies other have seen from your Personal Top 1000 list (I have a top 533 list).

A feature/interview of a particular member could be featured each week/month of a (Pro) user.

Stats to show the frequency of visiting the site (not seeing adding a 'check', plus total hours spent on the site, as well as number of posts/replies they have made on the site, where you can track down where/when you replied.

Also: Ability to delete a post, due to typos etc!
12 years 10 months ago
helloimjon's avatar


sent over $10 to ICM for a fantastic service. looking forward to premium perks, even at a basic level. im glad you've decided not to cap the limit on free users. how about a way of searching movies by director, producer or even film studio. that would be a great idea.
12 years 10 months ago
allisoncm's avatar


12 years 10 months ago
Jumping Elephant's avatar

Jumping Elephant

...and if all films held the same value as an official check, then by God the people who have seen the most pornos would be at the very top of the site.
12 years 10 months ago
Jumping Elephant's avatar

Jumping Elephant

go to*

another great function to add would be the ability to edit comments.
12 years 10 months ago
Jumping Elephant's avatar

Jumping Elephant

@Crinderman: making all movies official checks literally devalues the official checks which are on lists. There would only be a personal incentive to complete lists; yet for films which aren't official yet there is that very same personal incentive. I see no reason to change that. Other films won't get recognition by giving all films the same value.

And lists would have no practical purpose on the site other than to just be there... I suppose iCM would then be like a site to got to in order to see those lists, but there would be no practical implementation. Currently, having official checks and non-official ones gives people an incentive to watch titles which are on iCM lists... and official lists have always been an *enormous* part of the site. I'd like to keep it that way, and I don't see it as being elitist.
12 years 10 months ago
Jumping Elephant's avatar

Jumping Elephant

no, but if LCWymer were still on the site, he would be trying to complete that Academy Award Nominees for Best Picture list to no avail...
12 years 10 months ago
allisoncm's avatar


I also like Loud Rocks' idea of seeing all the movies you've checked from a certain director/actor/etc. IMDB used to have this feature and let you cast your "ballot" and it would automatically show you which films you've checked. That option is now gone.
12 years 10 months ago
Knaldskalle's avatar


I'm with Crinderman on this one.

It's true, something needs to be done about lost films on lists, but I don't think anyone is missing out on any platinum awards (yet) because of them.
12 years 10 months ago
St. Gloede's avatar

St. Gloede

@TheMadcapLaughs: I strongly disagree! If there was possible to not count lost films sure! But just because nobody has seen a lot of pre-00's Korean films doesn't mean that they should be awarded for it. True many of them lacks subs, etc. but so what? The list is the list and I think we should respect it.
12 years 10 months ago
fraveu's avatar


I've never donate... Ever!

I will donate to iCM...
12 years 10 months ago
MrE2Me's avatar


Writing this idea here in case the admins don't see it under the latest blog post:

I know I would be far more likely to donate if there was a way to get access to Premium features forever instead of for up to 2 years at the most. I like not having to worry about time limits and deadlines, etc. Please consider including a payment option for a "Lifetime Premium Account" (or whatever you might choose to call it).
12 years 10 months ago

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