Charts: Lists

This page shows you the list charts. By default, the movies are ordered by how many times they have been marked as a favorite. However, you can also sort by other information, such as the total number of times it has been marked as a dislike.

  1. The top 100 Most Violent Movies Ever Made by Tim Wambolt's icon

    The top 100 Most Violent Movies Ever Made by Tim Wambolt

    Favs/dislikes: 59:1. Warning: These are the top 100 sickest, cruelest, most violent, gruesome, upsetting and sadistic films ever made! They contain torture, snuff, rape, animal cruelty, baby killing, genital mutilation and much more! You have been warned! Although none of these films are real like Traces of Death, they are still very realistic and may in fact contain real footage that may be traumatizing, (Seed, Snuff 102, I'm looking at you guys!) Please watch with caution! (Not complete yet. Some entries seem to be missing from IMDB).
  2. Asia Shock: Horror and Dark Cinema from Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, and Thailand's icon

    Asia Shock: Horror and Dark Cinema from Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, and Thailand

    Favs/dislikes: 58:0. A viewer's guide to accompany the book of the same name by Patrick Galloway. The list features every title reviewed in the book, in the order in which they appear. Please note: Because Galloway includes a review of the American remake of Ringu, I have included it on the list, even though it is obviously not an Asian movie.
  3. iCheckMovies' Most Favorite TV Series and Mini-series's icon

    iCheckMovies' Most Favorite TV Series and Mini-series

    Favs/dislikes: 58:7. These are iCheckMovies' favorite TV series and mini-series, calculated using this formula: favorites / (checks+75) This list includes documentary TV series. Last updated: July 8, 2012
  4. Jim Carrey Filmography's icon

    Jim Carrey Filmography

    Favs/dislikes: 58:1. Films with Jim Carrey.
  5. Jim Jarmusch Filmography's icon

    Jim Jarmusch Filmography

    Favs/dislikes: 58:0. This is a list of Jim Jarmusch's complete filmography -including short films- as a director and writer.
  6. Netflix movies (USA)'s icon

    Netflix movies (USA)

    Favs/dislikes: 58:3. There are already several lists on iCheckMovies of films available on Netflix. Unfortunately they have a tendency to be incomplete and quickly become out of date. This is an attempt to make a more comprehensive and semi-automated version. A program scrapes data from of everything available on Netflix, and then cross-references the title and year against a list of films that meet a set of criteria for notability or interest (including every movie that is an official check). Titles that are official checks are listed first. IMPORTANT NOTE: I am no longer able to scrape the website I was getting the data from. I am trying to find a solution, but the list is not currently being updated.
  7. Sharon A. Russell's Guide to African Cinema's icon

    Sharon A. Russell's Guide to African Cinema

    Favs/dislikes: 58:2. Films featured in Sharon A. Russell's book Guide to African Cinema, in alphabetical order. Thanks to PeacefulAnarchy for finding the book and adding it to the IMDb. [url=]Source[/url]
  8. The 50 greatest World War II movies by Time Out's icon

    The 50 greatest World War II movies by Time Out

    Favs/dislikes: 58:1. As Quentin Tarantino's outrageous men-on-a-mission epic 'Inglourious Basterds' hits our screens, we at Time Out (with the assistance of Tarantino himself) thought it would be a fine time to revisit that most cinematic of conflicts. Some of our choices are stone-cold action classics, others are arthouse masterpieces, but all are worthy of celebration. Sign up today!
  9. 100 Must See Movies: The Essential Men’s Movie Library's icon

    100 Must See Movies: The Essential Men’s Movie Library

    Favs/dislikes: 57:1. "And for better and for worse, film has had a huge impact on masculinity in the 20th Century. Movies have produced archetypes of manliness that many men judge themselves against today. To view how male characters of cinema have been portrayed over the decades, is to see clearly the ways in which our perception of masculinity has changed and continues to change."
  10. Academy Award Best Supporting Actor's icon

    Academy Award Best Supporting Actor

    Favs/dislikes: 57:0. Beginning in 1936 the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has honored the year’s most outstanding performance by an actor in a supporting role.
  11. Cannes Film Festival - Jury Prize's icon

    Cannes Film Festival - Jury Prize

    Favs/dislikes: 57:1. The Jury Prize is an award presented at the Cannes Film Festival. It is chosen by the jury from the 'official section' of movies at the festival. It is considered the third most prestigious prize at the film festival, after the Palme d'Or and the Grand Prix.
  12. Guy Ritchie Filmography's icon

    Guy Ritchie Filmography

    Favs/dislikes: 57:1. A list of all feature films directed by Guy Ritchie. This list excludes shorts.
  13. Robert Altman filmography's icon

    Robert Altman filmography

    Favs/dislikes: 57:1.
  14. 100 All-Time Best Movies for History Buffs's icon

    100 All-Time Best Movies for History Buffs

    Favs/dislikes: 56:4. History isn’t marked by years, but events. Being a history buff means looking at the way major ideas or happenings played out and how they had an effect on everything from politics to the economy. War, invention, discovery, love: the history of the world has been shaped by the way we deal with these things. The movies on this list are great ways to take a closer look at the moments that changed history. [b]NOTE[/b]: The list is constructed out of seven minor lists, as noted below: #01 - 13: Ancient History #14 - 29: Medieval Times #30 - 46: Exploration & Colonization #47 - 53: The American Revolution #54 - 68: The American Civil War #69 - 81: World War II #82 - 100: The 20th Century
  15. Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay's icon

    Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay

    Favs/dislikes: 56:0. These are the winners only.
  16. BBC's The 100 Greatest Films Directed by Women's icon

    BBC's The 100 Greatest Films Directed by Women

    Favs/dislikes: 56:1. From a critic poll published in November 2019. Olympia is one entry. [url=]Source[/url]
  17. David Cronenberg filmography's icon

    David Cronenberg filmography

    Favs/dislikes: 56:0. A list of movies by David Cronenberg
  18. Five or More Oscars's icon

    Five or More Oscars

    Favs/dislikes: 56:0. Below are all films that have won 5 or more competitive Academy Awards, sorted first by number of awards, then by year of release.
  19. Golden 100 of Russian Animation's icon

    Golden 100 of Russian Animation

    Favs/dislikes: 56:0. In 2012, the Open Russian Festival of Animated Film asked 100 animation experts to vote for the top 100 Russian animated films from 1912-2011. #1 "Zhil-byl pyos" received 97 votes. Every film in the top 100 received at least 23 votes. See also: [url=]Films that received 10-22 votes[/url]
  20. Taschen's movies of the 70's's icon

    Taschen's movies of the 70's

    Favs/dislikes: 56:0. "This guide presents our selection of the best movies from the years 1970 to 1979, covering a wide range of genres, budgets, and cultures, and revealing details from behind the scenes. Packed full of photos and film stills, this opulent factbook pays homage to cinema around the world." Taschen is a famous art book publisher and its movie books are terrific.
  21. Taschen's movies of the 90's's icon

    Taschen's movies of the 90's

    Favs/dislikes: 56:0. "This guide presents our selection of the best movies from the years 1990 to 1999, covering a wide range of genres, budgets, and cultures, and revealing details from behind the scenes. Packed full of photos and film stills, this opulent factbook pays homage to cinema around the world at the end of the 20th century." Taschen is a famous art book publisher and its movie books are terrific.
  22. Tim Wambolt's Goriest Movies Ever Made's icon

    Tim Wambolt's Goriest Movies Ever Made

    Favs/dislikes: 56:1. The personal choices of Tim Wambolt for the goriest movies ever made, as seen on the now-defunct Running with Scissors website. Tim Wambolt's current lists are found on his website at [url=][/url], but this list is currently based on the original Running with Scissors list which included hundreds of honorable mentions. The list is ordered by amount of gore, and everything after 97 should only be considered an "honorable mention". This list is currently incomplete due to IMDb not having listings for some of the short films and more obscure titles. Movies Missing: 76 Chunk Blower 81 A Thousand and One Nights 89 Meatday (aka Vleesdag) 114 Vadias Do Sexo Sangrento 163 Splattenstein 175 Chainsaw Scumfuck 228 El Trivial Exterminador 2 231 Litio 256 Girl and the Wooden Horse Torture 274 Splattenstein Death Camp 288 El Trivial Exterminador 348 Photomation 360 Photomation: The Avenger 398 Samhain: Night Feast
  23. A.V. Club's The Best Movies of the 2010s's icon

    A.V. Club's The Best Movies of the 2010s

    Favs/dislikes: 55:2. [url=]Source[/url]
  24. AFI's Greatest Movie Musicals's icon

    AFI's Greatest Movie Musicals

    Favs/dislikes: 55:0. Part of the AFI 100 Years… series, AFI's Greatest Movie Musicals is a list of the top musicals in American cinema.
  25. BBC's The 100 Greatest Comedies of All Time's icon

    BBC's The 100 Greatest Comedies of All Time

    Favs/dislikes: 55:1. So this year BBC Culture decided to get serious about comedy. We asked 253 film critics – 118 women and 135 men – from 52 countries and six continents a simple: “What do you think are the 10 best comedies of all time?” Films from any country made since cinema was invented were eligible, and BBC Culture did nothing to define in advance what a comedy is; we left that to each of the critics to decide. As always, we urged the experts to go with their heart and pick personal favourites, films that are part of their lives, not just the ones that meet some ideal of greatness. List added August 2017
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