Charts: Lists

This page shows you the list charts. By default, the movies are ordered by how many times they have been marked as a favorite. However, you can also sort by other information, such as the total number of times it has been marked as a dislike.

  1. Viggo Mortensen Filmography's icon

    Viggo Mortensen Filmography

    Favs/dislikes: 5:0. Excludes TV and short films.
  2. Visual Effects Society Award Winners's icon

    Visual Effects Society Award Winners

    Favs/dislikes: 5:0. All the winners of the Visual Effects Society Awards, from 2002 to the present.
  3. Vsevolod Pudovkin Filmography's icon

    Vsevolod Pudovkin Filmography

    Favs/dislikes: 5:0. All the films directed by the great Russian filmmaker Vsevelod Pudovkin.
  4. Vulture's The 100 Scares That Shaped Horror's icon

    Vulture's The 100 Scares That Shaped Horror

    Favs/dislikes: 5:0. From Frankenstein to Freddy, the movie moments that formed the genre (and our nightmares).[Vulture]
  5. Walt Disney Pictures's icon

    Walt Disney Pictures

    Favs/dislikes: 5:0.
  6. Walter Brennan Filmography's icon

    Walter Brennan Filmography

    Favs/dislikes: 5:0.
  7. Warner Film Noir Classics's icon

    Warner Film Noir Classics

    Favs/dislikes: 5:0. Movies included in Warner Film Noir Classic Collection box sets.
  8. Warring Clans, Flashing Blades: A Samurai Film Companion's icon

    Warring Clans, Flashing Blades: A Samurai Film Companion

    Favs/dislikes: 5:0. #1-40 From Warring Clans, Flashing Blades: A Samurai Film Companion by Patrick Galloway
  9. We Can Be Who We Are: Movie Musicals from the 1970s's icon

    We Can Be Who We Are: Movie Musicals from the 1970s

    Favs/dislikes: 5:0. Every film covered in Lee Gambin's 2016 book, We Can Be Who We Are: Movie Musicals from the 1970s. The titles appear in this list in the order they are covered in the book, mostly chronologically.
  10. Weird and Twisted's icon

    Weird and Twisted

    Favs/dislikes: 5:0. Estas mis peliculas favoritas en cuanto a lo extraño y retorcido, trate de no guiarme por la popular de estas peliculas, si no por mis gustos personales. Those are my favorites movies about the weird and twisted, i tried not guide me for the popular that this movies are, but my personals preference.
  11. Welcome To The Basement's icon

    Welcome To The Basement

    Favs/dislikes: 5:0. From their website: "Matt catches up on his movie to-do list and Craig’s along for the ride. They watch ‘em, they crack wise, they review ‘em. In a very nice basement. This is a show about movies, featuring Matt Sloan and Craig Johnson of Chad Vader and Blame Society Productions fame. Matt and Craig watch a diverse plethora of movies from the cinematic past – from the Hollywood mainstream to the weirdest cult movies — and discuss them. Craig never knows what the movies are ahead of time, so it’s always a surprise."
  12. Wikipedia - Classic Film Noir's icon

    Wikipedia - Classic Film Noir

    Favs/dislikes: 5:0. Film noir is not a clearly defined genre. Therefore the composition of this list may be controversial. Due to the fact that the 1940s and 1950s are universally regarded as the "classic period" of American film noir, films released prior to 1940 are listed under the caption "Precursors / Early noir-like films". Films released after 1959 should generally only be listed in the list of neo-noir titles.
  13. Wikipedia List of Banned Films's icon

    Wikipedia List of Banned Films

    Favs/dislikes: 5:0. "This is a list of banned films. For nearly the entire history of film production, certain films have been banned by film censorship or review organizations for political or moral reasons or for controversial content, such as racism. Censorship standards vary widely by country, and can vary within an individual country over time due to political or moral change. Many countries have government-appointed or private commissions to censor and rate productions for film and television exhibition. While it is common for films to be edited to fall into certain rating classifications, this list includes only films that have been explicitly prohibited from public screening." *Missing from IMDB: Ghaire aze Khoudo Hitch Kass Naboud Zahari's 17 Years Female Games Dr Lim Hock Siew Kumasowe
  14. Willem Dafoe  Filmography's icon

    Willem Dafoe Filmography

    Favs/dislikes: 5:1. Willem Dafoe filmography.
  15. William Castle Filmography's icon

    William Castle Filmography

    Favs/dislikes: 5:0.
  16. Work Sucks: Anti-work movies's icon

    Work Sucks: Anti-work movies

    Favs/dislikes: 5:0. help me find more! lists included: 10 Movies That Remind Me Why I Quit My Office Job possible sources: short lists long list
  17. Writers Guild of America Award Winners's icon

    Writers Guild of America Award Winners

    Favs/dislikes: 5:0. All the winners of the Writers Guild of America Awards, from 1948 to the present.
  18. WTF? What The Future (were they thinking)?'s icon

    WTF? What The Future (were they thinking)?

    Favs/dislikes: 5:0. [b]If you're a fan of dystopian movies, then this is for you:[/b] This list is a compilation of all the movies (fiction or animated) that were made in the 20th century but are set in the 21st century and starting with a rule of 10 year gap after 1990, with the sole intent of analyzing the future (our current present) through those past movies. The list is now expanding to include early 21st century productions set in the future with the 90's rule applied. [b]Update:[/b] The list is meant to be updated every year but since it's also a dynamic list and more unknown, obscure movies can get discovered, it can be updated at any time and you can always help sending a PM with a proof of date of the movie in question you think it's missing. [b]Eligibility:[/b] The movie must be set mostly in a determinate future (10+ years after the date of the movie's release) and can't be just a short segment. In case of time traveling movies or movies that span several years, the main year(s) should be at least 33% of the movie's runtime and must be relevant to the plot and the setting. Must have had a theatrical release. [b]Not eligible:[/b] Documentaries, TV/Mini-Series, TV/Straight-to-DVD Movies, Experimental, Shorts. Retellings, paralell stories or continuations from TV/Mini-Series. Mere possibility, unclear or confusing timelines. [b]2001:[/b] 2001: A Space Odyssey, Journey To The Seventh Planet, Riki Oh: The Story Of Ricky, Tango 2001; [b]2002:[/b] [b]2003:[/b] [b]2004:[/b] Timecop; [b]2005:[/b] The Transformers: The Movie; [b]2006:[/b] Any Day Now (Vandaag of Morgen); [b]2007:[/b] Adrenaline: Fear The Rush, Double Dragon; [b]2008:[/b] Split Second; [b]2009:[/b] Freejack; [b]2010:[/b] 2010: The Year We Make Contact, Sleepwalker (La Sonambula), Cybernator; [b]2011:[/b] Bombshell, The Last Chase, Radioactive Dreams, A Time Of Roses (Ruusujen Aika); [b]2012:[/b] Mutant Action (Accion Mutante), The Baron (The Ultimate Warrior); [b]2013:[/b] Escape From L.A., The Postman; [b]2014:[/b] A Long Return (Largo Retorno), Moon Child; [b]2015:[/b] Firebird 2015 AD, The 6th Day, Back To The Future Part II, Spaceflight IC-1: An Adventure In Space, Post Impact; [b]2016:[/b] [b]2017:[/b] Barb Wire, Cherry 2000, Fortress; [b]2018:[/b] Rollerball, Future Fear; [b]2019:[/b] 2019: After The Fall Of New York (2019 - Dopo La Caduta Di New York), Akira, Blade Runner, Daybreakers, The Island, Warriors Of The Wasteland (I Nuovi Barbari), The Running Man, Heatseeker, Goodbye 20th Century (Zbogum Na Dvaesetiot Vek); [b]2020:[/b] 2020 Texas Gladiators (Anno 2020 - I Gladiatori Del Futuro), Cabaret Sin, Droid, Mission To Mars, Reign Of Fire, Stranded, Yesterday (Yeseuteodei), Battle Queen 2020 (BattleQueen 2020); [b]*[/b] [b]2021:[/b] It's All About Love, Johnny Mnemonic, Moon Zero Two, Resiklo, The Sisterhood; [b]2022:[/b] The Dark Side Of The Moon, 2022 Tsunami, Deham, No Escape, Soylent Green; [b]2023:[/b] Gemini Rising; [b]2024:[/b] Hack//The Movie (Dotto hakku: Sekai no mukou ni), Beyond the Time Barrier (The War of 1995), A Boy and His Dog, Highlander II: The Quickening [b]*[/b] Beware that Droid is just a softcore recut of Cabaret Sin for general, non-porn audiences. [b]Sources:[/b]
  19. Yerevan International Film Festival - Golden Apricot's icon

    Yerevan International Film Festival - Golden Apricot

    Favs/dislikes: 5:0. The Festival is dedicated to the theme of Crossroads of Cultures and Civilizations, and features a multitude of films representing various nations and religions, collectively depicting the richness of the human experience.
  20. Yngve Sæthers 100 filmer du må se før du fyller 25's icon

    Yngve Sæthers 100 filmer du må se før du fyller 25

    Favs/dislikes: 5:0. Fra Yngve Sæthers "Håndbok for André" fra 2009.
  21. Zack Snyder movies's icon

    Zack Snyder movies

    Favs/dislikes: 5:0. Every feature-length movie directed by Zack Snyder.
  22. zzzorf’s 1000 Movie Recommendations For All Cinephiles's icon

    zzzorf’s 1000 Movie Recommendations For All Cinephiles

    Favs/dislikes: 5:0. Nearly every Cinephile (a person who is fond of the cinema) has heard of definitive movie lists such as 1001 Movies to See Before You Die and They Shoot Pictures, Don't They? (and it's horror counterpart They Shoot Zombies, Don't They?), lists that have been compiled by critics or their rankings (respectively), to name the best movies of all time. Well this list takes their idea but puts a more personal spin on it. Borrowing an idea from an acquaintance of mine, fish_beauty, and his personal list Dinner and a Thousand Movies?, this list is 1000 movies that I would recommend to any and all Cinephiles to watch. This is not a list of my 1000 favourite movies, and in fact probably only a half of these would potentially be in that list, but movies that I think offer a lot to everyone and believe everyone should see. You will find movies from the above lists, because honestly they are the best movies of all time for a reason, but they will be hand in hand with great obscurities that many will not of heard of. What qualifies me to make a list like this and hope people will take it seriously? Well I have watched over 6000 different movies in my lifetime according to my profile and even though I have only classed myself as a Cinephile since July 2016 I have done my best to go back and watch a lot of those movies that I wouldn't of as just a regular movie watcher and have spread out into other areas of cinema due to my involvement in things like the March Around the World challenge here on Letterboxd, the Facebook groups connected to Flickchart and the iCM Forum, an unofficial forum for iCheckMovies. So how did I choose the movies for this list? Well after initially having another half the amount of movies needed I decided to make the list proportionate to what I've seen from each decade. Using a spreadsheet developed by another acquaintance, StinsyLinson, for her own personal movie challenge, and tweaking it for my needs, it let me know just how many movies I could add for each decade (and even goes deeper year by year to make it even more specific which I hope to fully realise in future versions of this list). Thus I was able to focus in on what movies should definitely be added and able to cut movies easier that were borderline additions. Therefore this list is sorted by release date to suit the way I have chosen them. Also, to allow more movies to be included I did not put more than one movie in from a series, I would leave it up to the viewer if they want to watch them, in some instances though I did put a sequel instead of the original where I believed they were more important than the first. Once selected I then went through and put the following information into each entry to make it more complete.(available in the Letterboxd version only, which can be found here ) Name - The original name of the movie, that is for foreign movies it's original language name. Year - The year of release according to Letterboxd. Country - The country where the movie comes from. Type - Feature Film, Short Film, TV Movie etc. Language - The main language of the movie. Genre - What genre the movie is. Director - The director of the film (Female directors are marked with an (F) for easy reference for anyone who is interested). Reason - A lot will have the movies Rotten Tomatoes site synopsis, others will have quotes from critics and some will have trivia, all hopefully giving you a reason to choose to watch the movie. As I watch 60-100 movies a month I am hoping to update this list monthly so don't forget to check back for new movies that may catch your interest. If you do decide to watch movies of this list I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments, or at least be linked to your review to give it a read. If not I still thankyou for looking at my list and would love to hear your thoughts.
  23. 10 Best Hindi Films of The Decade (2000-2009)'s icon

    10 Best Hindi Films of The Decade (2000-2009)

    Favs/dislikes: 4:0. Film critic Sudhish Kamath (of The Hindu) ranks the 10 best Hindi films made in the first decade of the 21st century.
  24. 10 Best Horror's icon

    10 Best Horror

    Favs/dislikes: 4:1.
  25. 10 Great Anti-Detective Films For The Post-Truth Era's icon

    10 Great Anti-Detective Films For The Post-Truth Era

    Favs/dislikes: 4:0. There is a moral in detective fiction perhaps put best by a slogan of The X-Files, a science fictional inheritor of the genre: The Truth is out there. More than the conviction of evidence for extraterrestrial life this is in the context of the show, this phrase also speaks to a belief in objective truth, and the knowability of this truth essential to the entire detective genre, to the implication of forces which conceal it, and the moral imperative of its pursuit. This is the project of the detective, a knight errant of the modern world who seeks the hidden coherency of truth from out of a web of disparate and often contradictory clues and in finding it, restores some justice, order, or at least sense to the world. Of course the genre’s moral core is often offset by its characteristic cynicism, where truth alone unbiased and pure may well be the only moral good. Where the hero is often positioned outside any law, private, unincorporated, as comfortable in the world of criminality as order, never above snooping, lying, breaking and entering, aiding or abetting in order to make a case, and devoted even to truth by profession alone, driven as much by mercenary selfishness as any moral force. Where the detective is just as often frustrated in their quest, if not by the all pervasive corruption of the law and its society of cheats, as in the ending of Polanski’s Chinatown, then by the ultimate inaccessibility of the facts. But even when frustrated, the detective still traditionally secures us within a world where truth exists as something objective and knowable and where there are those capable of and committed to its pursuit. But what happens when the detective enters a strange abstracting space where truth is no longer knowable or based on objective grounds, where contradictory truths seem to coexist, where paranoid fantasy replaces intuition, and the process of detection itself becomes suspect? These are the questions asked by a countercurrent of anti-detective films emerging in the 1960’s and 70’s art cinemas – striking a new resonance, and re-emerging in our current era of ‘post-truth’ – which in one way or another deconstruct the assumptions on which the genre is founded from the perspectives of a new skeptical relativism, not only as genre critique, but also as a repurposing of this now disemboweled form to new and creative ends. Through it all the detective persists, stubborn holdovers as they are from a world where truth was absolute. There is another slogan in The X-Files: I want to believe. Here is a list of ten anti-detective films to put Philip Marlowe on his ass.
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Showing items 4101 – 4125 of 23544