Charts: Lists

This page shows you the list charts. By default, the movies are ordered by how many times they have been marked as a favorite. However, you can also sort by other information, such as the total number of times it has been marked as a dislike.

  1. Highest Rated Animated Disney Films's icon

    Highest Rated Animated Disney Films

    Favs/dislikes: 4:2. The highest rated animated Disney films of all-time. Order based on rating sites (Rotten Tomatoes 3 scores [Averaged], IMDB user rating * 10, and Metascore all averaged.) Minimum score of 70.
  2. Highest Rated Films of 2013's icon

    Highest Rated Films of 2013

    Favs/dislikes: 4:0. The highest rated films of 2013 based on the scoring system detailed below. The ratings are from both critics and normal consumers like you and me. These are films from 2013, which include films with wide releases that took place in 2013. Scoring: Order highest to lowest scoring based on top rating sites (Rotten Tomatoes Average Critic/User rating out of 10/5 respectively [Averaged], IMDB user rating * 10, and Metascore all averaged.) Minimum score of 70. Documentaries and films with less than 20 ratings from Rotten Tomatoes are not included.
  3. Highest Return on Investment (Gross / Budget)'s icon

    Highest Return on Investment (Gross / Budget)

    Favs/dislikes: 4:0. These are the top 20 most profitable movies based on return on investment. Return on investment has been calculated as half the worldwide gross (the amount that typically goes to the producer) divide by the budget (not including marketing expenses).
  4. Hilary Duff's Filmography's icon

    Hilary Duff's Filmography

    Favs/dislikes: 4:0.
  5. History Goes to the Movies (Marnie Hughes-Warrington)'s icon

    History Goes to the Movies (Marnie Hughes-Warrington)

    Favs/dislikes: 4:0. "Can films be used as historical evidence? Do historical films make good or bad history? Are documentaries more useful to historians than historical drama? Written from an international perspective, this book offers a lucid introduction to the ways films are made and used, cumulating with the exploration of the fundamental question, what is history and what is it for?" Missing: Course of Irish History, The (1966) Mister Prime Minister (1966) Triumph of the West, The (1985)
  6. HitFix's Ultimate Horror Poll: The top 100 horror movies of all time's icon

    HitFix's Ultimate Horror Poll: The top 100 horror movies of all time

    Favs/dislikes: 4:0. "Just in time for Halloween, HitFix brings you our spookiest survey yet: the Ultimate Horror Movie Poll. Over the past several weeks, we asked over 100 writers, directors, authors, actors, critics, bloggers and scholars specializing in the genre for their picks of the ten greatest horror films of all time, then tabulated the results into a 'definitive,' aggregated rundown of the Top 100."
  7. "Hollywood" Magazine - Croatian Top 20's icon

    "Hollywood" Magazine - Croatian Top 20

    Favs/dislikes: 4:0. In 1999 "Hollywood" magazine in Croatia had a poll in which 42 critics, historians, and artists picked their top films. The starting list included 227 films produced by Croatian companies. Here are the Top 20.
  8. Hong Kong Film Awards - Best Film Winners's icon

    Hong Kong Film Awards - Best Film Winners

    Favs/dislikes: 4:0. The Hong Kong Film Awards, founded in 1982, are the most prestigious film awards in Hong Kong and among one of the most respected in mainland China and Taiwan.
  9. Horrific Halloween Horror Collection's icon

    Horrific Halloween Horror Collection

    Favs/dislikes: 4:1. A list of some of my favourite horror films to share with everyone. I hope you enjoy and have a horrifically horrible Halloween! As a side note, if you want to know where/if these films are streaming, check out this website:
  10. Horror Anthologies's icon

    Horror Anthologies

    Favs/dislikes: 4:0.
  11. Horror Films for Pretentious Hipsters's icon

    Horror Films for Pretentious Hipsters

    Favs/dislikes: 4:0. Unranked
  12. Horror Movie A Day by Brian W. Collins's icon

    Horror Movie A Day by Brian W. Collins

    Favs/dislikes: 4:0. The filmography of the book that was published in 2016. A curated selection of 366 obscure horror movies.
  13. Horror Movies: An Illustrated Survey's icon

    Horror Movies: An Illustrated Survey

    Favs/dislikes: 4:0. The filmography of the 1968 book by Carlos Clarens. Also known as "An Illustrated History of the Horror Film", this was a seminal academic study of horror films, one of the first critical studies to take the genre seriously.
  14. House of Cards (2013) Episodes's icon

    House of Cards (2013) Episodes

    Favs/dislikes: 4:2. A list of all House of Cards (2013) episodes. The third season of this critically acclaimed series will be available on Netflix this 27th of February.
  15. Hrvatsko Društvo Filmskih Kritičara's Best Croatian Films of All Time's icon

    Hrvatsko Društvo Filmskih Kritičara's Best Croatian Films of All Time

    Favs/dislikes: 4:0. Survey of the best Croatian films in three categories: Feature, Documentary, and Animation. Conducted in 2020 with 38 participants. I haven't found the full Top 100 for features or Top 50 for documentaries or Top 50 for animated films, so this list is incomplete and only contains the films I've located a mention. 1-20: Top 20 Feature Films 21-40: Top 20 Documentaries 41-60: Top 20 Animated Films Top Tens were found in the main source, and Top Twenties were located in [url=]this article[/url]. Original text in local language: Filmski kritičari i filmolozi izabrali najbolji domaći igrani, dokumentarni i animirani film vrijeme: 24.11.2020. Tijekom proljeća 2020. godine među domaćim filmskim kritičarima i filmolozima sprovedena je anketa – izbor najboljeg hrvatskog filma svih vremena u tri kategorije: igrani, dokumentarni i animirani filmovi. Najboljim su proglašeni igrani film 'H-8' redatelja Nikole Tanhofera iz 1958., najbolji dokumentarac je 'Od 3 do 22' Kreše Golika (1966.), a najbolji animirani film 'Surogat' Dušana Vukotića (1961.). Svim članovima društva kritičara upućen je poziv za sudjelovanje, a na kraju je broj sudionika bio 38 – oba spola, svih generacija kritičara i publicista, iz Zagreba, Osijeka, Rijeke, Pule(...), a trebali su napraviti svoje liste s 20 najboljih naslova u svim kategorijama, u obzir su dolazili apsolutno svi snimljeni filmovi čiji su producenti (ili većinski producenti) bile kuće iz Hrvatske. U međuvremenu, od proljeća naovamo, pojedinačne liste su obrađene, sistematizirane, zbrojeni su rezultati. Tijekom slijedećeg tjedna (30. studenog – 6. prosinca) u zajedničkoj organizaciji Hrvatske Kinoteke HDA i Kina Tuškanac HFS-a održat će se u kinu Tuškanac revija na kojoj će se prikazati svih deset najboljih filmova u sve tri kategorije. U kategoriji igranih filmova na prvom mjestu je 'H-8...' Nikola Tanhofer (iz 1958.), na drugom 'Rondo' Zvonimira Berkovića (iz 1966.), na trećem 'Tko pjeva zlo ne misli' Kreše Golika (iz 1970.), na četvrtom 'Lisice' Krste Papića (iz 1970.), na petom 'Breza' Ante Babaje (iz 1967.). Na preostalih pet mjesta na listi „10 najboljih“ još su filmovi: 'Ritam zločina' Zorana Tadića (6 mjesto, 1981.), 'Ne okreći se sine' Branka Bauera (7 mjesto, 1958.), 'Kaja, ubit ću te' Vatroslava Mimice (osmo mjesto, 1967.), 'Koncert' Branka Belana (deveto mjesto, iz 1954.), te na desetom mjestu 'Što je Iva snimila 21. listopada' 2003. Tomislava Radića (iz 2005.). U prethodna dva izbora (onom iz 1989/90. i onom iz 1999. godine) na prvom mjestu je bio 'Tko pjeva zlo ne misli', koji se sada spustio za dva mjesta, a titulu „najboljeg“ sada je preuzeo Tanhoferov film. Najbolji hrvatski animirani film je dobitnik Oscara 'Surogat' Dušana Vukotića (iz 1961.), slijede ga 'Satiemania' Zdenka Gašparovića (drugo mjesto, iz 1978.) i 'Tup – tup' Nedeljka Dragića (treće mjesto, iz 1972.). Četvrti na listi „naj-crtića“ je još jedan Dragićev film 'Idu dani' (iz 1969.), a peti 'Don Kihot' Vlade Kristla (iz 1961.) Od šestog do desetog mjesta na listi su serija 'Profesor Baltazar' Zlatka Grgića, Borisa Kolara i Ante Zaninovića (nastajala između 1968. i 1976.), 'Samac' Vatroslava Mimice (iz 1958.), 'Riblje oko' Joška Marušića (iz 1980.), 'Mačka' Zlatka Boureka (iz 1968.), te kao deseti 'Maska crvene smrti' Pavla Štaltera i Branka Ranitovića (iz 1969.) U prethodnoj anketi kritičari su za najbolji animirani film izabrali 'Satiemaniu'. Naposlijetku, u kategoriji dokumentarnih filmova tri najbolja su 'Od 3 do 22' Kreše Golika (prvi, iz 1966.), 'Mala seoska priredba' Krste Papića (drugi, iz 1971.) i 'Druge' Zorana Tadića (treći, iz 1972.). Slijede: 'Specijalni vlakovi' Krste Papića (četvrto mjesto, iz 1972.), 'Recital' Petra Krelje (peto mjesto, iz 1972.), 'Kad te moja čakija ubode' Krste Papića (šesto mjesto, iz 1968.), 'Srbenka' Nebojše Slijepčevića (sedmo mjesto, iz 2018.), 'Dobro jutro' Ante Babaja (osmo mjesto, iz 2007.), deveti je dokumentarac 'Tijelo' Ante Babaja (iz 1965.). a deseti 'Skoplje '63.' Veljka Bulajića (iz 1964.). U odnosu na prethodnu anketu prva tri dokumentarna filma su ostala neizmijenjena. Organizator ankete je filmski publicist Veljko Krulčić. Cjelovita anketa sa zbirnim rezultatima i listama 100 najboljih filmova u sve tri kategorije, te pojedinačnim listama sudionika samog izbora će biti dostupna na webu i u knjizi. Ministarstvu kulture i medija RH i Hrvatskom audiovizualnom centru će biti predloženo da se najbolji hrvatski igrani, animirani i dokumentarni filmovi proglase „filmovima od nacionalnog značenja“, odnosno „kulturnim dobrima“. (R.P.B., 25.11.2020)
  16. I Film citati da Caparezza nel singolo "Kevin Spacey"'s icon

    I Film citati da Caparezza nel singolo "Kevin Spacey"

    Favs/dislikes: 4:0. Non per la politica dovete odiarmi, non per la voce nasale ma per questo pezzo! Adesso avete un motivo.. Avete un motivo!
  17. iCheckMovies - Most Checked Movies of the 1990s's icon

    iCheckMovies - Most Checked Movies of the 1990s

    Favs/dislikes: 4:0. The 1000 movies listed on that have the most checks and were released in the 1990s. Updated 3rd January 2021
  18. iCheckMovies - Most Favorited Movies of the 1990s's icon

    iCheckMovies - Most Favorited Movies of the 1990s

    Favs/dislikes: 4:0. The 1000 movies listed on that have the most favorites and were released in the 1990s. Updated 3rd March 2024
  19. iCheckMovies - Most Favorited Movies of the 2010s's icon

    iCheckMovies - Most Favorited Movies of the 2010s

    Favs/dislikes: 4:0. The 1000 movies listed on that have the most favorites and were released in the 2010s. Updated 27th February 2024
  20. iCheckMovies - Most Favorited Movies Pre-1970's icon

    iCheckMovies - Most Favorited Movies Pre-1970

    Favs/dislikes: 4:0. The 1000 movies listed on that have the most favorites and were released before the year 1970. Updated 29th February 2024
  21. iCheckMovies Top 5,000 (possibly)'s icon

    iCheckMovies Top 5,000 (possibly)

    Favs/dislikes: 4:0. . The Top 5,000 Movies on iCheckMovies (possibly), calculated using this formula: (((favorites+50)^1,3) - (dislikes+50)^1,3)) / (checks+50) . This list includes all mediatypes (Movies and TV).
  22. iCM 500<400's icon

    iCM 500<400

    Favs/dislikes: 4:0. Smoovers iCM Forum's 500<400 2016
  23. iCM 500<400: my 2017 selection's icon

    iCM 500<400: my 2017 selection

    Favs/dislikes: 4:0. PERSONAL list for a poll
  24. ICM Forum: 2010s obscure(r) top 250's icon

    ICM Forum: 2010s obscure(r) top 250

    Favs/dislikes: 4:0.
  25. iCM Forum World Cup (season 4)'s icon

    iCM Forum World Cup (season 4)

    Favs/dislikes: 4:0. [url=]Here[/url] is a list of all forum-topics related to the World Cup.
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Showing items 4426 – 4450 of 23543