Charts: Lists

This page shows you the list charts. By default, the movies are ordered by how many times they have been marked as a favorite. However, you can also sort by other information, such as the total number of times it has been marked as a dislike.

  1. Mundo De Cinema: The 10 Best Epic Movies Ever Made's icon

    Mundo De Cinema: The 10 Best Epic Movies Ever Made

    Favs/dislikes: 3:0. Filmes épicos, capazes de retratar as histórias de grandes heróis, estão sem dúvida entre os mais vistos na história do cinema. Quem não aprecia a história de uma personagem com um propósito muito concreto, uma missão capaz de salvar o seu povo e de o elevar a um patamar mais elevado, quase como se se tornasse imortal? É por falar em imortalidade que aproveitamos para abordar alguns filmes épicos que viverão para sempre na mente dos espectadores. A nossa lista é baseada num estudo feito aos clientes dos clubes de vídeo britânicos: cada pessoa devia eleger aqueles que lhe pareciam ser os melhores filmes épicos de todos os tempos. E Tudo o Vento Levou, de 1939, foi de longe o mais votado, tendo até ficado à frente de Titanic (1997) e Cleópatra (1963). Já se olharmos para aqueles que figuraram entre os piores épicos de sempre, foi Pearl Harbor, o filme com Ben Affleck sobre o ataque japonês que levou à entrada dos EUA na II Guerra Mundial, a receber a coroa. Entretanto, Elizabeth Taylor ganhou o melhor desempenho de uma atriz em filmes épicos, em Cleópatra, enquanto no masculino a escolha recaiu sobre Ben Kingsley, em Gandhi. Neste post, apresentamos o top 10 dos filmes épicos que fizeram história no mundo do cinema e que, através de batalhas gigantescas, grandes romances e tragédia, fazem passar
  2. Murder on Tape - A Comprehensive Guide to Over 1,000 Murder and Mystery Movies on Video (1997)'s icon

    Murder on Tape - A Comprehensive Guide to Over 1,000 Murder and Mystery Movies on Video (1997)

    Favs/dislikes: 3:0. All the movies in the book. NOTE: Despite the book's title, it features less than 1,000 movie entries. Ratings: #1-37: **** Excellent #38-143: ***½ Very Good #144-458: *** Good #459-711: **½ Average #712-881: ** Fair #882-910: *½ Poor #911-990: * The Worst
  3. Musicals's icon


    Favs/dislikes: 3:1. Ultimate list of musicals
  4. MY ANIME SERIES!'s icon


    Favs/dislikes: 3:5.
  5. My Favorite John Willliams' Scores's icon

    My Favorite John Willliams' Scores

    Favs/dislikes: 3:10. These are my favorite movies containing John Williams' composition.
  6. My Favorite movies's icon

    My Favorite movies

    Favs/dislikes: 3:1. 1-13 - 10/10s 14-58 - 9/10s 59- 8/10s
  7. My favorite obscure films's icon

    My favorite obscure films

    Favs/dislikes: 3:0. This is a list for a forum poll.
  8. My favorite Spanish Language Movies's icon

    My favorite Spanish Language Movies

    Favs/dislikes: 3:1.
  9. My Favourite Movies's icon

    My Favourite Movies

    Favs/dislikes: 3:0. List of my favourite movies for the benefit of the ICMForum
  10. My IMDB Top 250 Challenge's icon

    My IMDB Top 250 Challenge

    Favs/dislikes: 3:7. I am doing a blogging challenge: to watch the IMDB Top 250 films (as at 01/01/2012) in 250 days and write a short review of each one @
  11. My Kind of Town: Chicago Movies's icon

    My Kind of Town: Chicago Movies

    Favs/dislikes: 3:0. Every film that predominantly takes place in and/or was filmed in Chicago, IL.
  12. My Movies's icon

    My Movies

    Favs/dislikes: 3:5. A list of movies I own, either on Bluray or DVD.
  13. My Personal Toplist of Films of the 1960s's icon

    My Personal Toplist of Films of the 1960s

    Favs/dislikes: 3:0. I compiled this list of 100 favourites out of a total of +/- 1300 features seen from this decade (December 2022)
  14. My Personal Toplist of Films of the 2000s's icon

    My Personal Toplist of Films of the 2000s

    Favs/dislikes: 3:0. I compiled this list of 125 favourites out of a total of +/- 2550 features seen from this decade (December 2022)
  15. My TV-Series's icon

    My TV-Series

    Favs/dislikes: 3:0. TV-Series I have watched or planning to watch.
  16. My World Of Flops's icon

    My World Of Flops

    Favs/dislikes: 3:0. Nathan Rabin's ongoing examination of important commercial failures, previously at A.V. Club now continued at
  17. NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Motion Picture's icon

    NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Motion Picture

    Favs/dislikes: 3:0. This page lists the winners and nominees for the NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Motion Picture, awarded by the U.S.-based National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). This award has been given since 1972.
  18. National Canadian Film Day: 150 Canadian Films's icon

    National Canadian Film Day: 150 Canadian Films

    Favs/dislikes: 3:0. Need a place to start? REEL CANADA is here to help with our “150 Canadian Films” list. This is not a “best ever” list and is by no means definitive. But the films on this list do reflect the vast range of stories that Canadians tell. It’s a list as diverse as the country itself, providing examples of excellence in every conceivable genre. Think of it as a sampler. If you love movies or Canada or both, there is something here for you.
  19. Nazisploitation's icon


    Favs/dislikes: 3:0. Nazisploitation is a word usually used to describe the number of (mostly Italian) exploitation films made during the '70s that revolved around the sordidly sexual or gruesome goings-on at Nazi concentration camps/stalags/extermination camps; and in my own estimation, that is the true definition of the term, and there are only around 30 films which qualify as such. However, I personally also believe that Nazisploitation has even earlier roots, and has also continued to evolve since it's heyday. I submit that there are four major schools of the subgenre: 1) the aforementioned '70s shock exploitation pictures, (Ilsa, Love Camp 7, Gestapo's Last Orgy) 2) War-era Allied propaganda pieces/Post-War mad Nazi scientist pictures, (Enemy of Women, Strange Holiday, She Demons, The Frozen Dead) 3) Nazi Zombie pictures and all the Nu-Nazisploitation created this millenium which sprung from those, (Zombie Lake, Shock Waves, Dead Snow, Outpost) and 4) Secret Nazi pictures, about war criminals/former Nazis living in hiding among us in the "present day". (Apt Pupil, The Boys From Brazil, They Saved Hitler's Brain). All four schools are included in this list, in chronological order. I've excluded genre films where the Nazis are not the prominent threat, or are the victims of something supernatural themselves (The Keep, The Bunker), as well as anything which is more straight-forwardly a drama or war picture than within a more exploitative genre (Inglorious Bastards, Inglourious Basterds, Escape From Sobibor). Neither are there films where there is merely a Nazi villain present (Raiders of the Lost Ark, Captain America, Jane and the Lost City); if there is only one Nazi, he should be the major threat of the piece (Marathon Man, In a Glass Cage). I have [u]included[/u] the Men Behind the Sun films, because even though they have no Nazis, they are clearly the Hong Kong equivalent of the genre, and hit all the same notes as the genuine articles. There are a few other odd-man-out entries in there too, like the trailer compilation Nazithon, or the arty The Empty Mirror. Really, my major criteria basically comes down to whether the film is in questionable taste or not; if it is, it's in! Please feel free to send suggestions for inclusion on/exclusion from the list my way!
  20. Nederlands Film Festival - Kristallen Film's icon

    Nederlands Film Festival - Kristallen Film

    Favs/dislikes: 3:0. The Crystal Film (Dutch: Kristallen Film) is a film award recognising domestic box office achievements in the Netherlands. It is awarded for the first 10,000 visitors of a Dutch documentary film production.
  21. Network blu ray releases's icon

    Network blu ray releases

    Favs/dislikes: 3:0. All movies released on blu-ray by the UK boutique label Network. Network is a label that (among others) specializes in British Film. [i]If any titles are missing or incorrect, please sent me a pm[/i]
  22. New century recommended movies's icon

    New century recommended movies

    Favs/dislikes: 3:4. My own list with recommendations for past 12 years.
  23. New Zealand International Film Festival 2012's icon

    New Zealand International Film Festival 2012

    Favs/dislikes: 3:0. A list of films included in the official selection for the 2012 New Zealand International Film Festival.
  24. Nicolas Winding Refn filmography's icon

    Nicolas Winding Refn filmography

    Favs/dislikes: 3:0.
  25. Nielsen's Film Awards Official Selections's icon

    Nielsen's Film Awards Official Selections

    Favs/dislikes: 3:0. The Nielsen Film Academy selects the winner of the Nils from a list of 10 films. Each film is picked by the Nielsen Awards only member: Eirik Nielsen. These films represent the 10 films released in the calendar year that create the most enjoyment within the heart of the members of the Nielsen Academy.
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Showing items 5526 – 5550 of 23552