Charts: Lists

This page shows you the list charts. By default, the movies are ordered by how many times they have been marked as a favorite. However, you can also sort by other information, such as the total number of times it has been marked as a dislike.

  1. Michael J.W. Stickings's Best Films of the '00s's icon

    Michael J.W. Stickings's Best Films of the '00s

    Favs/dislikes: 1:0. Michael J.W. Stickings Founder and editor of The Reaction, a liberal blog on American politics and culture. Also at HuffPost, Crooks & Liars, Liberaland, The Moderate Voice.
  2. New York Post Best Films of the Decade's icon

    New York Post Best Films of the Decade

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0. 10 years and countless films later, the aughts produced a bumper crop of great movies. Here are Kyle Smith’s and Lou Lumenick’s top picks of the decade.
  3. Ernesto Ayala's Best Chilean Films of the 21st Century's icon

    Ernesto Ayala's Best Chilean Films of the 21st Century

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0. Chilean critic Ernesto Ayala list of the Best Chilean from this century (2000-2019).
  4. Jonathan Rosenbaum's Eighteen Thrillers You Might Have Missed's icon

    Jonathan Rosenbaum's Eighteen Thrillers You Might Have Missed

    Favs/dislikes: 12:1.
  5. Sight & Sound 1982 top 10 poll's icon

    Sight & Sound 1982 top 10 poll

    Favs/dislikes: 4:0. fourth of the ten yearly polls
  6. Top 15 Ukrainian Films's icon

    Top 15 Ukrainian Films

    Favs/dislikes: 9:0. Cinema Journalism Bureau of Ukraine and the National Union of Cinematographers of Ukraine, 2012 poll
  7. Margaret Agnew's Top 10 Films of the Decade's icon

    Margaret Agnew's Top 10 Films of the Decade

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0. As we speed rapidly towards 2010 and debate whether to pronounce it twenty-ten or two-thousand-and-ten, it's time to reflect on the first decade of the millennium. The noughties have been a decade of thrilling highs and deep dark lows for fans of celluloid. Hobbits reigned supreme, running amok in Wellywood, and shining a spotlight on New Zealand talent, however, we also saw the invention of a genre called torture-porn, thanks largely to the blood-splattering franchise holders of Saw and Hostel. Here we prefer to look on the bright side, with the 10 best films of 2000-2009. You can almost guarantee that my top 10 will be vastly different from yours. So, without further ado, let the arguments begin! (In alphabetical order and LOTR trilogy as one entry)
  8. MSN Movies: Best of the Decade's icon

    MSN Movies: Best of the Decade

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0. Saying that we've come up with the 12 best films of the decade is pretty hilarious when you get right down to it. You can't take the thousands of films released in the past 10 years and say, "Yes, these by far represent the greatest cinema had to offer!" Hell, if you quizzed the 12 of us right now, we'd probably give you completely different lists than the ones we delivered in early December 2009. But, you can't say it isn't fun, right?
  9. Jonathan Rosenbaum's Ten Overlooked Fantasy Films on DVD (and 2 that should be!)'s icon

    Jonathan Rosenbaum's Ten Overlooked Fantasy Films on DVD (and 2 that should be!)

    Favs/dislikes: 8:0. Actually 13 as there were two films in 6th place
  10. A.O Scott - Movies of Influence's icon

    A.O Scott - Movies of Influence

    Favs/dislikes: 1:0. Anthony Oliver Scott (born July 10, 1966) is an American journalist and film critic. Along with Manohla Dargis, he serves as chief film critic for The New York Times. This list about 12 movies from 2000s that he thought influential.
  11. Amos Vogel's Missionary Positions's icon

    Amos Vogel's Missionary Positions

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0. from 1982 "A sampling of titles [notable for] their audacious openness to both formal and thematic innovation." not found on IMDb Closing the Circle (sex between a couple in their fifties and a younger male friend) The Squeeze Technique (a graphic demonstration of Master’s and Johnson’s technique for retarding premature ejaculation) props to Lilarcor for locating the list and Nopros and others for sparking a short discussion
  12. Barry Norman's Top 10 Greatest Epics's icon

    Barry Norman's Top 10 Greatest Epics

    Favs/dislikes: 1:0. Broadcaster and film journalist Barry Norman compiled the top 10 for the Radio Times. The Lord Of The Rings trilogy (2001-03) are the most recent films on the list, while Napoleon (1927) is the oldest. In alphabetical order.
  13. Bill Gibron's The 10 Best Films of the Decade (2000 - 2009)'s icon

    Bill Gibron's The 10 Best Films of the Decade (2000 - 2009)

    Favs/dislikes: 1:0. Bill Gibron is a writer and film critic for popmatters. He wrote the 10 best films of decade in the end of 2009. Here his about that description for the list: Talk about tough! Even if this wasn’t a full time job, taking up as much of one’s life as any career plus concept of entertainment could, trying to pick out ten titles from an equal number of years is almost impossible. It’s not like television, which tends to keep its beloved entities on the air long enough to make a memorable impact. It’s also not like music, which can play in the background of one’s life sometimes decades after release. No, movies demand attention. They require patience and perspective. They are the most unique of artforms because they come at you complete. You can love a particular band or album even with one or two clunkers among the set list. No TV show is ever going to be 100% funny/dramatic/thrilling/thought-provoking all the time. But film doesn’t dignify such flaws. Instead, it amplifies them, destroying brilliant direction, excellent acting, or superb storytelling along the way. Naturally, this creates a kind of cinematic standard, a benchmark by which we measure both the good and the bad. And yet, going back over the near 3500 entries for possible inclusion here (figure it out - that’s 350 per year, or almost one a day for the last decade…and yes, I did watch each and every one, be they theatrical or on DVD) is still a mammoth undertaking, one that gears itself noticeably toward the most recent viewing experiences. Indeed, a lot of lists out there currently offer pickings from 2007 - 2009 almost exclusively, making you wonder if these so called experts even saw anything prior to the second Bush Administration. Add in the almost infinite and exhaustive “honorable mentions” and you’ve got a pointless combination of limited perspective and bet hedging. Don’t worry - this list won’t be any better. As a matter of fact, one can probably pick it apart point-by-point and argue over the merits of each selection. Still, as a function of one person’s own individual likes and dislikes, as a Herculean attempt to take one’s passion and profession and summarize it in several hundred words or less, it’s the way things stand…today…at this moment…without too much internal kvetching. Could it all change tomorrow? Probably. Are some of these choices set in cement, almost inarguable in their inclusion? Yes. So grab your cinematic salt (you’ll need it to take most of what you’ll read next) and settle in for SE&L"s Top 10 Films of the Decade (2000 - 2009), starting with a very unusual selection in the final spot:
  14. James Beardinelli: Closing out the Decade with Another Top 10's icon

    James Beardinelli: Closing out the Decade with Another Top 10

    Favs/dislikes: 8:0. One of the most significant film critic James Beardinelli chose his top 10 movies of the noughties Here is his description about the list: [Note: I don't want to get drawn into tedious arguments about whether the next decade begins in 2010 or 2011. Purists will argue that it starts in 2011 and, in an absolute sense, they're correct. But who really cares? Relativistically, any 10-year period can represent a decade, so there's nothing "wrong" about speaking of the "decade of the '00s" (meaning 2000-2009). It's a little cleaner. Don't bother to spar with me about it either by e-mail or in the forums. It's a pointless distinction. By writing this, I have already given it more attention than it deserves.] Everyone's doing it and I did it ten years ago, so why not again? Admittedly, compiling an annual Best 10 can become tiresome but I figure that, best case, I've only got about another five of these end-of-decade lists to do, so I might as well enjoy them while I can. I feel confident that my choices here represent my true feelings about the films and where they deserve to be placed alongside their 2000-2009 fellows. Avatar is a little fresh, so its position could change, but the rest have been allowed to marinate. Any "best of" list, including this one, is a representation of an individual's opinions. It's highly personal. By some set of "objective" criteria, I'm sure few (if any) of these titles would make a '00s Top 10 list, but that's not what it's about. This represents a brief catalog of the ten movies released between January 1, 2000 and December 31, 2009 that have impacted me the most forcefully in one way or another. They provided experiences I treasure and that have enriched me. I reserve the right to change the titles (or their order) in the future - I cannot predict how any fluidity in my opinions might alter the way I think about a particular movie in 5, 10, or 20 years. So, without further annoying preliminary commentary, I present…
  15. Jonathan Rosenbaum's A Dozen Eccentric Westerns's icon

    Jonathan Rosenbaum's A Dozen Eccentric Westerns

    Favs/dislikes: 11:1.
  16. KNF Film of the Year 2007's icon

    KNF Film of the Year 2007

    Favs/dislikes: 1:0. The Kring van Nederlandse Filmjournalisten (Association of Dutch Film Critics) voted for the best film released in the Netherlands in 2007. Each of the 40 critics submitted their top 3. #7 and 8, 9 until 12 are ex aequo
  17. Piils Danske Filmkanon's icon

    Piils Danske Filmkanon

    Favs/dislikes: 1:0. by film critic Morten Piil, 2007
  18. Reverse Shot’s Best of 2015's icon

    Reverse Shot’s Best of 2015

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0.
  19. Reverse Shot’s Best of 2016's icon

    Reverse Shot’s Best of 2016

    Favs/dislikes: 0:0.
  20. Rolling Stone 10 Best Movies of the Decade's icon

    Rolling Stone 10 Best Movies of the Decade

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0. Rolling Stone's film critic Peter Travers pick his best movies of 2000s
  21. Rolling Stone's Top 10 Movies of 2011's icon

    Rolling Stone's Top 10 Movies of 2011

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0. Peter Travers selects his top 10 of 2011 10. is a three way tie (War Horse, The Help, Harry Potter)
  22. Sight & Sound 1992 Directors' Top Ten Poll's icon

    Sight & Sound 1992 Directors' Top Ten Poll

    Favs/dislikes: 3:0. Directors result from this ten yearly poll
  23. theFLICKpick Top 10 Most Epic Movies's icon

    theFLICKpick Top 10 Most Epic Movies

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0. a movie reviewer theFLICKpick picked Top 10 Most Epic Movies ever made
  24. Time Magazine The 10 Greatest Movies of the Millennium (Thus Far)'s icon

    Time Magazine The 10 Greatest Movies of the Millennium (Thus Far)

    Favs/dislikes: 3:0. TIME's Richard Corliss has created a countdown of the 10 greatest films made since the year 2000, from No. 10 (The Artist) to No. 1 (see for yourself)
  25. Vanity Fair: The 10 Best Films of the Decade's icon

    Vanity Fair: The 10 Best Films of the Decade

    Favs/dislikes: 1:0. There’s no getting around it: ten-best lists are arbitrary and cruel. Summing up as cinematically rich a decade as this one is impossible, and any such attempt can promise nothing but blood feuds and celluloid psychosis. So, let’s give it a try!
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Showing items 551 – 575 of 617