Charts: Lists

This page shows you the list charts. By default, the movies are ordered by how many times they have been marked as a favorite. However, you can also sort by other information, such as the total number of times it has been marked as a dislike.


  1. The Newsroom Episodes's icon

    The Newsroom Episodes

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0. A list of all The Newsroom episodes. The series started in 2012 and aired its third and final season in the fall of 2014 on HBO.
  2. The office's icon

    The office

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0.
  3. The Paramount Vault's icon

    The Paramount Vault

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0. All movies available to watch for free on the Paramount Vault YouTube channel.
  4. The Pendragon Society's 100 Greatest Film Acting Performances of All-Time's icon

    The Pendragon Society's 100 Greatest Film Acting Performances of All-Time

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0. So what are the greatest acting performances of all time? Throughout August 2019 we polled members and contributors to find out what they considered to be the greatest performances in film ever. As with all these types of polls the final list is not going to please everyone. Perhaps unsurprisingly (and a little disappointingly) the best of the American mainstream dominates here, with a high placing for Heath Ledger’s turn in The Dark Knight and a large representation from the New Hollywood era (with 5 entries for the first 2 Godfather films!). What stands out more than anything is the lack of female performances that make the top 100 (only 12!). Is Casablanca really Bogart’s best performance? Wasn’t Brando better in On the Waterfront than anything he did in the 70s? Let us know what you think. ---Pendragon Society The following films appear more than once: The Godfather (#1, #16, #100) Schindler's List (#4, #60) The Godfather Part II (#13, #24) Apocalypse Now (#28, #58) The Deer Hunter (#30, #65) The Shawshank Redemption (#32, #73) Persona (#35, #54) The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (#45, #68) Goodfellas (#49, #51) Gone with the Wind (#62, #78)
  5. The Playlist: The 20 Best Fantasy Films of the 21st Century So Far's icon

    The Playlist: The 20 Best Fantasy Films of the 21st Century So Far

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0. The best fantasy film of 21st century selected by critic site ThePlaylist.
  6. The Playlist's The 100 Best Sci-Fi Films of All Time's icon

    The Playlist's The 100 Best Sci-Fi Films of All Time

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0. If there was ever a time where sci-fi was seen as something only for geeks, that time has long gone. You could debate the exact point at which it changed — when Stanley Kubrick’s “2001” had audiences dropping acid for a better trip, when the blockbuster success of “Star Wars” changed film forever, when comic book movies dominated screens, when CGI made it possible to do almost anything, when even nerdy old “Star Trek” got a sleek, hip makeover — but there’s no doubt that the genre is firmly within the mainstream. Indeed, looking at the blockbuster season ahead, there’s all kinds of science-fiction adventures to come, with this week bringing the second space adventure in three weeks, with Ridley Scott’s “Alien: Covenant,” which follows “Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2” into theaters, where it’s currently doing gangbusters. And three of the all-time top-five worldwide grossers are hard sci-fi movies: “Avatar,” “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” and “Jurassic World.” Scott’s return once again to the sci-fi franchise he helped create has had us thinking about the genre’s place in history, so we decided to take our most comprehensive look at the genre ever, and pick out what, in our view, are the 100 greatest sci-fi movies of all time. It’s a genre almost as old as cinema, so it was understandably difficult to pin down, even with a few ground rules (most notably that we sort of consider superhero films their own thing). But we’ve found a list that we’re pretty happy with in the end, though we’re sure it’ll inspire plenty of debate. Take a look below.
  7. The Real TOP 100 MOVIES that are better than the Shawshank Redemption (in alphabetical order)'s icon

    The Real TOP 100 MOVIES that are better than the Shawshank Redemption (in alphabetical order)

    Favs/dislikes: 2:4.
  8. The "Saw" Films's icon

    The "Saw" Films

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0.
  9. The Space Between: A Panorama of Cinema in Turkey's icon

    The Space Between: A Panorama of Cinema in Turkey

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0. In 2012, the Film Society of the Lincoln Center and the Moon and Stars Project of The American Turkish Society organized what they [url=]called[/url] "the largest retrospective of films from Turkey ever to be shown in the United States". This list contains these films. If you want to know more about it, be sure to read [url=]this (pdf)[/url] interesting catalog.
  10. The Sydney Morning Herald: Ten Years, Ten Film's icon

    The Sydney Morning Herald: Ten Years, Ten Film

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0. Realistically there is one qualification for consideration in either list. The film had to have a cineama release, in the decade from 2000 - 2009, in Australia. In the instance of record / memory failure, IMDb is taken as the authority. Interestingly 1999 appears to have been an incredible year for cinema if the sheer number of frustrating releases that you really wish qualified, is anything to go by. An interesting observation. In ten years of intense cinema going, DVD watching, Foxtel IQing and totally legal downloading a few truths become self-evident: - Clearly, you will never see all the films in a decade. You will also never manage to see all the films you 'should' see from that era. So no matter what films are included in the list, someone will always respond with a film you haven't got to yet. This isn't a failing on the part of the list, it's more an incentive to go and see it. For example, here's an admission: The autho has not seen No Country For Old Men yet from what everyone has said it would otherwise have made for serious consideration. - There were a lot of really good films made in the last ten years, no matter what your grandparents / parents / film school graduate friends tell you. They may not make them like they 'used to' or they 'should' but dang, some of them are good. - Making one of these lists is the most subjective thing you will do today. Two people pretty much cannot agree on a top ten list. It's like taking a group of people to the DVD store and asking them all to agree on one film. If people still went to DVD stores that is. So let's go. And remember, if your reaction to this list is of the "You're wrong", "You're mad" or "You should be shot" variety - then the response is "Well, yes" and "Challenge extended: Show us your list then!" CATEGORIES To try and give a variety of films a look in, the following list is broken up very roughly into genres. There are of course way more than ten categories of films, so to say that some very dis-similar films have been shoe-horned in together, would be a gross misunderstatement. As such more than one film is mentioned in each tier, and any that are named deserve a spot in the list. 1. Biopics 2. Action 3. Foreign Language 4. Australian 5. Documentary 6. Franchise 7. Indie Comedy 8. Mainstream Comedy 9. Indie 10.Animated So without further ado...
  11. The top 50 foreign language films of the last decade's icon

    The top 50 foreign language films of the last decade

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0.
  12. "The Top 66 Zombie Films of All Time" - 2011 Edition's icon

    "The Top 66 Zombie Films of All Time" - 2011 Edition

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0. The list of Top 66 Zombie Films of All Time, taken from 'Zombies: The Ultimate Guide' 2011
  13. The Top Tens: 20 Years of Memories's icon

    The Top Tens: 20 Years of Memories

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0. Favorite films of the last twenty years by (1996-2016).Of the films with multiple citations, Fargo has the most mentions with three. With two each, Boyhood, Spirited Away and The Lord of the Rings trilogy. Now, let’s take a look at the films that make up their lists.
  14. The Top Tens Of 2014's icon

    The Top Tens Of 2014

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0.
  15. The Top Tens: Our Cinematic Influences's icon

    The Top Tens: Our Cinematic Influences

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0. This is another list by are the films that influenced their tastes and opinions about movies, made they see them in differing lights and altogether molded who they would and have become as film enthusiasts.
  16. The Wonderfully Terrible's icon

    The Wonderfully Terrible

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0. Or, bad movies I love. I've loved schlock since the 80s and going to b-movie fests, and I don't really like any of the other lists I see here, so I'm creating my own. This is heavily sf-fantasy oriented as that's where my bad movie love developed and mostly still lurks. All in chronological order as I think it's silly to rank these, though I will say I have a special fondness for Ed Wood films and [b]Manos[/b].
  17. The Wordsworth Book of Movie Classics's icon

    The Wordsworth Book of Movie Classics

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0. It's a random book, but a decent list - not too highbrow or too populist.
  18. The Worlds Best Films - 2011 Edition's icon

    The Worlds Best Films - 2011 Edition

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0. Our Top Ranked 1000 Films, all polls, was compiled by taking all film polls we could find, throwing them into a spreadsheet, and gave numeric points in descending order. The result was over 2200 films listed in all, ranked by their relative positions in all the polls combined. This combination of both critics and fans polls should give film fans the most objective list of how films are perceived by the total film community, not just a small group of fans
  19. The Worst of the Best's icon

    The Worst of the Best

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0. 40 Acclaimed Directors and their Lowest Ranking Film
  20. The X-Files's icon

    The X-Files

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0. All episodes of The X-Files (1993-2002, 2016) and the two X-Files feature films (1998, 2008).
  21. theBelatedLobster - Film of the Year (2010 onwards)'s icon

    theBelatedLobster - Film of the Year (2010 onwards)

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0.
  22. theBelatedLobster - Top Ten of 2015's icon

    theBelatedLobster - Top Ten of 2015

    Favs/dislikes: 2:2.
  23. TheConsigliere's Hidden Gems (fewer than 400 checks)'s icon

    TheConsigliere's Hidden Gems (fewer than 400 checks)

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0. Personal list - favourite movies with fewer than 400 checks on ICM
  24. theFLICKpick Top 10 Most Epic Movies's icon

    theFLICKpick Top 10 Most Epic Movies

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0. a movie reviewer theFLICKpick picked Top 10 Most Epic Movies ever made
  25. Therapy and Psychiatry in Cinema's icon

    Therapy and Psychiatry in Cinema

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0. 1-4 5-22 +PTP list focus descrip from PTP list: Film portrayals of therapists, psychiatrists, psychologists, and mental health counselors, in which their role plays a major part in the story.
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Showing items 7251 – 7275 of 23490