Charts: Lists

This page shows you the list charts. By default, the movies are ordered by how many times they have been marked as a favorite. However, you can also sort by other information, such as the total number of times it has been marked as a dislike.

  1. TV Guide's Best Movies of the Decade's icon

    TV Guide's Best Movies of the Decade

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0. Best movies of the noughties chosen by TV Guide staff
  2. TV Overmind's The Top 20 Horror Anime of All-Time's icon

    TV Overmind's The Top 20 Horror Anime of All-Time

    Favs/dislikes: 2:1. "Some of the best stories ever told have been in anime (Japanese cartoons). They come in all sorts of genres, including comedy, drama, and thrillers. These cartoons are popular all over the world for their incredible art style and in-depth stories that they offer. Whether you are looking for a playful or serious story – and one that is as fantastical or realistic as you want it to be – there is likely an anime out there for you. A lot of anime fans would find it hard to choose a single favorite anime. They have so much variety between them that one may be a person’s favorite in one category, whereas another is their favorite in a different category. This makes it pretty hard to determine which anime is the best objectively. Plus, it is a very personal decision, making it subjective by nature. One of the more interesting genres appreciated by anime connoisseurs is the horror anime genre. The fact that it is drawn art makes it very easy to introduce some disturbing, fantastical, and implausible themes without stretching a budget or running into similar issues. There is a huge variety of horror anime out there today – it even has a few subgenres of its own. If you are looking for a new show to watch, you might want to consider an anime. Horror fans will appreciate watching a few of these Japanese cartoons. Whether you have seen an anime before or not, you might want to check out the following list of the Top Twenty Horror Anime Series of All-Time."
  3. TV SERIES's icon


    Favs/dislikes: 2:5.
  4. TV Shows's icon

    TV Shows

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0.
  5. TV Shows - Opinion Based's icon

    TV Shows - Opinion Based

    Favs/dislikes: 2:2.
  6. Tv Time's icon

    Tv Time

    Favs/dislikes: 2:1. My Tv shows
  7. Uli Edel Movies's icon

    Uli Edel Movies

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0.
  8. Under 50 Checks's icon

    Under 50 Checks

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0. My favourite films with under 50 checks as of January 2021.
  9. Underrated Disney's icon

    Underrated Disney

    Favs/dislikes: 2:1. underrated animated awesome
  10. underseen genre and cult movies's icon

    underseen genre and cult movies

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0. 100 hidden cult gems below 400 checks
  11. Une Histoire du Cinéma français's icon

    Une Histoire du Cinéma français

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0.
  12. Unforgettable French films's icon

    Unforgettable French films

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0.
  13. Unicorns's icon


    Favs/dislikes: 2:0. Unicorns. 'nuff said.
  14. Unofficial favorites's icon

    Unofficial favorites

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0.
  15. UPA Theatrical Shorts's icon

    UPA Theatrical Shorts

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0. A List of the theatrical cartoon shorts released by UPA.
  16. urgent watchlist's icon

    urgent watchlist

    Favs/dislikes: 2:9. a very sporadic list of movies that must have been watched a long long time ago
  17. Uzbekistan UNESCO's icon

    Uzbekistan UNESCO

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0. Перед рассветом - Pered rassvetom - O’tgan tong - 1933 Клятва - Klyatva - Qasam - 1937 Насреддин в Бухаре - Nasreddin v Bukhare - Nasriddin Buxoroda - 1943 Тахир и Зухра - Takhir i Zukhra - Tohir va Zuhra - 1945 Алишер Навои - Alisher Navoy - Alisher Navoiy - 1948 Ты не сирота - Ty ne sirota - Sen yetim emassan - 1962 Нежность - Nezhnost - Muloyim - 1966(67) Ташкент город хлебный - Tashkent gorod khlebny - Toshkent non shahri - 1968 Минувшие дни - Minuvshie dni - O’tgan kunlar - 1969 Без страха - Bez strakha - Qo’rqmas - 1971 Abu Raykhan Beruni - Абу Райхан Беруни - Abu Rayhon Beruniy - 1974 Горькая ягода - Gorkaya yagoda - Chuchuk olho’ri - 1975 Человек уходит за птицами - Chelovek ukhodit za ptitsami - Insonlar qushlar ortidan ketmoqda - 1975 Озорник - Ozornik - Shum bola - 1978 Юность гения - Yunost geniya - Yoshlik davri - 1984 Siz kim siz - Who Are You - Кто вы такой - 1989 Абдулладжан или Посвящается Стивену Спилбергу - Abdulladzhan ili posvyashchaetsya Stivenu Spilbergu - Abdullajon - 1991 source for the source see comments for text version
  18. Vampires's icon


    Favs/dislikes: 2:0.
  19. Van Abeltje tot Zoop's icon

    Van Abeltje tot Zoop

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0. All movies listed in "Van Abeltje tot Zoop" by Esther Schmidt and Sabine Veenendaal. Dutch children's films from 1937 to 2011. Missing on IMDb: De guitenstreken van Jopie Slim en Dickie Bigmans (1939) Jongenskamp (1947) Ridders zonder harnas (1947) Trouwe kameraden (1949) De club van de Zwarte Panter (1950) Paradijs der jeugd (1951) Het geheim van de Valkenhorst (1952) Brilstra en zijn bromvlieg (1956)
  20. Variety's The 100 Greatest Movies of All Time's icon

    Variety's The 100 Greatest Movies of All Time

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0. "The movies are now more than 100 years old. That still makes them a young medium, at least in art-form years (how old is the novel? the theater? the painting?). But they’re just old enough to make compiling Variety’s first-ever list of the 100 Greatest Movies of All Time a more daunting task than it once might have been. Think about it: You get an average of one film per year. A great deal of ardent discussion and debate went into the creation of this list. Our choices were winnowed from hundreds of titles submitted by more than 30 Variety critics, writers and editors. As we learned, coming up with which movies to include was the easy part. The hard part was deciding which movies to leave out."
  21. Varun Watchography's icon

    Varun Watchography

    Favs/dislikes: 2:2. Everything I am watching since I took up film studies...
  22. Venerdì festino's icon

    Venerdì festino

    Favs/dislikes: 2:1. FIlm horror in Carmen's house
  23. Venice Days's icon

    Venice Days

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0. Giornate degli Autori were born in 2004, as an independent event on the fringes of the Venice Film Festival, modeled on the prestigious ‘Directors' Fortnight' of the Cannes Festival and promoted by the associations of Italian film directors and authors (Anac and 100autori). The aim of the event is to draw attention to high quality cinema, without any kind of restriction, with special care for innovation, research, originality and independence. These are all features of the 12 films selected as well as being reflected in the special events held during the Days in the Villa degli Autori.
  24. Venice Film Festival Queer Lion Award's icon

    Venice Film Festival Queer Lion Award

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0. The Queer Lion Award was created in 2007 thanks to the efforts of Daniel N. Casagrande, journalist and film critic, and Marco Müller, back then director of the Venice Film Festival, as a collateral prize for the “Best Film with Homosexual & Queer Culture Contents”. From the [url=]Wikipedia article[/url]: All the movies containing LGBTQ themes, stories, plots, or characters, presented in any of the sections of the Venice Film Festival are considered eligible for the award. Specifically, these sections are: Concorso (Competition), Fuori Concorso (Out of Competition), Orizzonti (Horizons), Controcampo italiano (Italian Reverse Shot), Giornate degli Autori (Venice Days), and Settimana Internazionale della Critica (International Critics' Week). The Queer Lion jury, composed of journalists, directors, critics, persons with a deep knowledge of cinema, views all the movies deemed to contain noteworthy LGBTQ elements during the Venice Film Festival, picking the "best film" among them.
  25. Vera Farmiga Filmography's icon

    Vera Farmiga Filmography

    Favs/dislikes: 2:0.
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Showing items 7376 – 7400 of 23526