Charts: Movies

This page shows you the movie charts. By default, the movies are ordered by how many times they have been marked as a favorite. However, you can also sort by other information, such as the total number of times it has been checked or how many official top lists the movie is in.

  1. Der Pfarrer von Kirchfeld

    1914 — a.k.a. The Priest from Kirchfeld, in 0 top lists Check
  2. Der Pfarrer von Kirchfeld

    1926 — a.k.a. The Priest from Kirchfeld Check
  3. Der Pfarrer von Kirchfeld

    1937, in 0 top lists Check
  4. Revanche

    1922 Check
  5. Der rote Prinz

    1917, in 0 top lists Check
  6. Der Schandfleck

    1917, in 0 top lists Check
  7. Seemannsbraut

    1919 Check
  8. Seine schwerste Rolle

    1919 Check
  9. Sommeridylle

    1916, in 0 top lists Check
  10. Svengali

    1914, in 0 top lists Check
  11. Der tanzende Tod

    1920 Check
  12. Der Traum des österreichischen Reservisten

    1915, in 0 top lists Check
  13. Trilby

    1912, in 0 top lists Check
  14. Der Unbekannte

    1912 — a.k.a. Forger's Doom Check
  15. Unrecht Gut gedeihet nicht

    1913, in 0 top lists Check
  16. Unser Kaiser

    1933 — a.k.a. Mein Liebster ist ein Jägersmann Check
  17. Verschneit

    1920 Check
  18. Der Verschwender

    1917, in 0 top lists Check
  19. Wenn die Soldaten...

    1931 Check
  20. Der Zarewitsch

    1928 Check
  21. Zweierlei Blut

    1912, in 0 top lists Check
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Showing items 51 – 71 of 71