Charts: Movies

This page shows you the movie charts. By default, the movies are ordered by how many times they have been marked as a favorite. However, you can also sort by other information, such as the total number of times it has been checked or how many official top lists the movie is in.

  1. The Accounting

    1915 Check
  2. Accusing Finger

    1915 Check
  3. The Accusing Finger

    1915 Check
  4. The Accusing Pen

    1915 Check
  5. The Ace of Hearts

    1915 Check
  6. The Acrobat's Dream

    1915 Check
  7. Across the Footlights

    1915 Check
  8. Across the Great Divide

    1915, in 0 top lists Check
  9. The Actor's Boarding House

    1915 Check
  10. Adam Bede

    1915 Check
  11. The Adventure Hunter

    1915 Check
  12. The Adventure of Florence

    1915 Check
  13. The Adventure of the Yellow Curl Papers

    1915 Check
  14. The Adventures of a Boy Scout

    1915 Check
  15. The Adventures of a Madcap

    1915 Check
  16. Adventures of a Seagoing Hack

    1915 Check
  17. The Adventures of Big and Little Willie

    1915 Check
  18. The Adventures of Willie Woodbine and Lightning...

    1915 Check
  19. Advertising Did It

    1915 Check
  20. The Advisor

    1915 Check
  21. Aerial Invasion Frustrated

    1915 Check
  22. The Affair of the Deserted House

    1915 Check
  23. The Affair of the Terrace

    1915 Check
  24. An Affair of Three Nations

    1915 Check
  25. Affinities

    1915 Check
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Showing items 76 – 100 of 3560