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Siskoid's avatar


13 Going on 30 is Big meets Freaky Friday, with some charming retro 80s elements. You probably know the story - a young girl wishes herself thirty, flirty and thriving, and wakes up in her adult body, having skipped 17 years in the blink of an eye. Jennifer Garner and Mark Ruffalo are eminently likeable, and it's all rather sweet. If you ignore the fact that Jenna got the world of 2004 right, it actually works as a fantasy, where she gets everything she ever wanted at 13, realizes what the cost would actually be to become that person, and makes her whole life better using her 13-year-old ideas and values. But of course, you can also take it as shown, and that's good too, with more smiles than laughs, perhaps, but also some romance, touching drama, etc.
7 years 9 months ago
thaisquisito's avatar


So sweet! Love it!
11 years 7 months ago
CynInFlicks's avatar


Very sweet little film.
12 years 6 months ago
daisymay's avatar


A fun girly film. Sweet story line and Jennifer Garner is great
12 years 11 months ago
Flicker's avatar


Mark Ruffalo forever
10 years ago
buc86's avatar


I could criticise this film for being a less interesting version of Big, but that's too easy. I mean they at least tried something slightly different by having her wake up in a world where everyone knows her as an adult and so the child version of her isn't missing (never cared for that part of Big).

But instead, I'm going to criticise it for there not being much of a "point" to her whole experience by the end. She learns that her best friend is in love with her and Lucy is a dick, both of which are things she probably would have worked out at some point in the next 17 years, had she not skipped over them. The only other thing she learns is, the person the who occupied her body for those 17 years, was successful and also kind of a dick, but what use is that information if she just goes back to being 13 at the end anyway?

I'll say this much about the film though, the cast was great!
5 years 8 months ago
Joker of Gotham's avatar

Joker of Gotham

I only watched because of Mark Ruffalo I love that guy
11 years ago
xianjiro's avatar


Moral of the story: you deserve your high school best friend. Ugh. I thought the whole point of going to NYC was to get away from the numbing pointlessness of adolescence that was high school, not to take it all with you.

The only plus I'll give this one is the totally rad 80s soundtrack - has to be the best I've heard in years. Only one song was a clunker and it was enjoyable to hear things I've haven't heard in decades. Did the 80's really end 30-some years ago? Seems more like 50.

Pat Benatar rocks and rules forever! (But where was Cindi Lauper, the story did all but set up most of her big hits - guess they came from different corporate universes?)
3 years 4 months ago
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