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abmannetje's avatar


It is an attempt to make a Russian war movie that should have a story line like all US WW2 movies. You meet the guys before trainingcamp, you see how they are being bullied by their sergeant. But they all become friends in the end. And there is a lot of waiting in between the battles, boredom, etc.
Finally the big battle, where I believe I saw a guy die severel times. And throughout the movie I was wondering how many soldiers were supossed to be on that mountain? Because there are coming more and more, I thought they all just died.
10 years 6 months ago
monty's avatar


What an incoherent mess! The characters are all faceless cardboard cutouts and the soundtrack is annoyingly schmaltzy and pompous. And to top it all, the action is cartoonesque, idiotic and just plain ridiculous. Zombie-like enemy forces ambling gaily into a hailstorm of bullets is not very realistic any way you cut it! In the end, this effort is nothing but pure unadulterated crap. Only recommended for connoisseurs of really bad movies.
11 years 8 months ago
Igor_Brynner's avatar



You are serious? 9 rota its very big russian crap.
12 years 10 months ago
Ozmodias's avatar


It's named 9th Company and is is a very beautyfull movie for vary sad and bloody war.
13 years ago
LuckeWent's avatar


best russian movie ive seen
12 years 11 months ago
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