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TSolomon311's avatar


This is an intentionally subpar movie - it has to be. The writers/creators at Netflix know that some people enjoy watching things "ironically," that is, some people like watching poor quality content to revel in its awfulness. This HAD to have been a product geared towards that specific audience. It has a trope a minute, bland actors who act/sound like they're at a reading of the movie's script rather than acting in the actual movie, awkward dialogue, and unnecessary/inexplicable subplots. The plot has so many gaping holes and overall just makes no sense. Compared to all of the quality content Netflix has produced, this is an egregious aberration, and so the only explanation is that it was meant to be bad.

And in that sense, it's a good movie and I loved every minute of it.
6 years 6 months ago
alexbergmans's avatar


I watch this movie every day on all 53 of my Netflix accounts
6 years 6 months ago
pouleto17's avatar


Come children, I'm gonna tell you the story of when I watched the netflixed-produced movie "A christmas prince".

It was a lonely night of 2017, the wind was blowing and the snow was snowing. I had just texted my best friend "hey, wanna watch A christmas prince at my place" and she replied with a gif of Marion Cotillard dying in Batman, so my acute powers of deduction led me to believe that it was a no.

I then texted my boyfriend "hey handsome, wanna watch A christmas prince with me?". He replied "No, because I have testicules."

I then realised that I would have to watch this movie alone. And I did. And it was awful. And I wish I didn't.

So the moral of the story kids is, don't watch A Christmas Prince.
6 years 6 months ago
osussex's avatar


If you're feeling like forgetting how to walk or even what your name is, watch this and take a shot at every cliche. This is pure fluff and could only ever be stomached in the Christmas season.
6 years 5 months ago
Beatrizfern's avatar


Incredibly bad movie!
5 years 9 months ago
ruesailmana's avatar


Don't watch if you want to keep the enamel on your teeth
6 years 6 months ago
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