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ThomasFTB's avatar


I've seen some things man
10 years 9 months ago
stricken157's avatar


10 months 2 weeks ago
Siskoid's avatar


A Talking Cat!?! (Actual punctuation.) Why did I watch it? Well, it was my cat's birthday, and besides we were intrigued by C-movie director David DeCoteau's ability to churn out more than one film a month, apparently all made in the same modern art nightmare of a house, on shoestring/money-laundering budgets. And a talking cat voiced by screen legend Eric Roberts!?! As if to spit in the eye of the Devil he sold his soul to, Roberts knocked his lines out in 15 minutes, apparently from the inside of an empty oil drum, breathing life (haha I'm kidding) into this cockamamie story of a magical cat that can speak to each cast member exactly once (each conversation is of course wasted on disbelief that this cat can talk - or possibly that the CG for it is so bad) and who steers two families together with his cryptic comments. It's cheap, it's dumb, it has an abundance of establish shots that don't really go together (IMDB tells me there are 59 in an 85-minute movie, though many are reused several times) putting desert next to woods next to the beach in walking distance of one another. But since the movie is very much about it being "a small world, eh?", I really want to ascribe DeCoteau a certain genius in fitting the entire Western seaboard of the United States into a small neighborhood. By not taking itself seriously, A Talking Cat !?!'s errors almost seem calculated to be part of the fun. It's not a failure, as it achieves exactly what it sets out to do. That said, the biggest laughs are still to be had with REVIEWS of the film. Check out JonTron's on YouTube, and IMDB's featured review which had me in stitches.
8 years 1 month ago
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