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lachyas's avatar


Jaden Smith has the acting talent of a potato.
10 years 8 months ago
Mustafacc's avatar


Shyamalan was presenting 3 or 4 different plots with almost no logical connection to each other. Also I was expecting to see Will acting but the movie just ended up with him being in a chair while Jaden doing all the action which is awful because he clearly is terrible, I cringed at every dramatic scene involving him.
10 years 12 months ago
Warrison's avatar


If you have come to this page with the thought of watching this movie....RUN. Run far and wide. 100 min of Jayden is pure torture.
10 years 1 month ago
KuroSawWhat's avatar


At end of movie: "How did this massive piece of crap get such a huge budget? ....oh."

--Written and Directed by M. Night Shyamalan--

How is this guy still working? His first few movies were great, but it's like he is purposely trying to wreck films, now.

Will Smith sitting in a chair is not interesting! Why do they need special drugs to breathe on Earth, when there's a hundred billion trees growing all around them? Everything freezes at night... in a lush jungle... next to a volcano... because... why? spoiler And of course, the alien that "smells fear," because that is SUCH an original concept, and we just had to have it because, well, it's not science-fiction if there's not a homicidal alien on the loose, right? Though I suppose, without the alien, there really wasn't much of any danger to Jaden's trek, besides what he introduced himself by being tantrum-throwing brat.

Maybe this movie should have been about something else entirely, like the alien war, or end-of-days on Earth that are haphazardly narrated in the first two minutes of the film? But I guess that would not have allowed for nearly enough of Shyamalan's trademark "stare at the camera while nothing happens" shots.

I swear, a ten-year old could make a better movie. Even "Robot Monster" had more entertainment value than this junk, and the actors were at least twice as emotive.

10 years 7 months ago
Imemi's avatar


I head so much bad critics of this movie before I saw it, and it might be the reason I didn't think it was that bad, but really, I thought it was an OK movie. Somewhat flat, but not a waste of time.
10 years 11 months ago
jamesmcavoy's avatar


Reading these comments I was like "it can't be THAT bad"... trust me, it is worse.
8 years 11 months ago
stexdo's avatar


Boring sci-fi with a very unimpressive performance by Jaden Smith. What you see on the screen doesn't explain a budget that high and almost every detail about the mythology of the movie universe laid in the beginning became meaningless and irrelevant. It has action and fights but they are as harmless as a kid's movie.
10 years 3 months ago
BadFluffy's avatar


Funny how it took that movie for people to realize Will Smith has the charisma of a dead oyster, except they are trying to make excuses for some reason. He wasn't good in the other movies, the parts were. This is Will Smith with nobody else's talent to hide behind.
Shamalyan should go direct commercials, maybe he wouldn't be good at it.
10 years 4 months ago
Metalmidget's avatar


*A lot of spoilers ahead, but the movie is so predictable it probably won't affect you...*

This movie is just boring! It had such a ridiculous plot... From all the possible planets, they just happen to crash-land on earth, which they abandoned some thousand years ago.

For some reason, all creatures on earth have 'evolved' to kill humans.What? How could animals evolve in human-haters if there haven't been any humans on earth for a thousand years? And the evolution of all species on earth in a thousand years? I think it takes a whole lot longer than that to evolve, Shyamalan! That's just biology and Darwinism in your face!

Those mistakes aside, i didn't see much of a real danger on earth. Some baboons who were too slow to keep up with jaden and too afraid to cross water, a giant eagle, a tiger and some hogs. OK, the eagle scene was supposed to be dangerous...i guess. The only plausible thing that put Smith's son in danger was that bloodsucker.Also, what was up with the ice-age-overnight?

There was also no acting in this movie. No fear does not mean no emotion, Will! How is the audience supposed to feel for the characters if they don't even care?

To be fair, this movie was like 'Jaden Smith running around in the jungle and being a badass hero at the end'. The best part to me was the intro about the Ursa and stuff. Their origin story and the way people fought them at first would've been a much better movie!
10 years 8 months ago
DisneyStitch's avatar


I have a feeling that Will Smith's performance in this movie will be shown in acting classes as how NOT to act in a movie. Will couldn't have delivered a colder and more unemotional performance if he tried. Since Will Smith had a lot of free reign over the film while working with Shyamalan, it's hard to believe that he didn't see firsthand what the movie was turning into. The plot is 100% predictable with no surprises and Jaden's performance leaves much to be desired. It seems that Will might have deliberately tried to place the weight of the film on Jaden's small shoulders but in the end he couldn't carry it, he got squashed by it.

After looking into a lot of the promotional interviews and material for the movie it becomes obvious that from beginning to end this entire movie project was a shameless plug to put Jaden Smith on his path to stardom. And when I say shameless, I mean shameless, it's nepotism on a grand scale.
10 years 1 month ago
AngioW's avatar


Papa Smith makes a movie to feature his baby boy.
10 years 8 months ago
Torgo's avatar


Shyamalan haters gave this an exaggerating anti-hype yet again and it's not that bad. As in his previous films, you have to accept the naïve premise and characters before you can actually start enjoying it, but then it delivers some nice visuals and straight-forward (read: foreseeable) spiritual/sci-fi survival adventure. Will Smith's character is mind-numbing flat and Jaden acts whiny to annoying most of the time, that's about it. Hardly enough to like, not enough to hate.

[edit]Although I have to say it gets worse after you let it sink in. And worse than "not that bad" isn't good at all ..
10 years 8 months ago
kombelpeter's avatar


Made no sense at all.
7 years 4 months ago
fonz's avatar


After watching only the last twenty minutes of this latest masterpiece from our forgotten wunderkind, M. Night, I decided if Will Smith wants to direct his talentless son in a movie he should do it from behind a camera not while sitting in chair in front of one.
9 years 6 months ago


Terrible. Obvious. It's as bad as people make it out to be, only it's not just M. Night's fault. He has Will and Jaden Smith to help shoulder the load for this one.
10 years 8 months ago

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