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Siskoid's avatar


I probably didn't need to rewatch Air Force One to give it a review, even though I hadn't seen it since its 1997 release in theaters - Die Hard on a plane, right? But sometimes, you want to watch something dumb. It's also interesting to look at older "patriotic" films (the 90s gave us TWO WHOLE blockbusters in which the president of the USA is a combat pilot) in the context of more recent history. Right away, President Harrison Ford is selling us on the idea of ethical American interventionism, hand in hand with the Russian president, and I'm whaaaaaaa?! Maybe they had it coming. The success of these Die Hard wannabes often lies in using the chosen environment well, and there's a definite sense of geography to the plane, which gives the film some legitimacy (in a way that the realpolitik does not - Ford is more believable as an action hero than a politician) and allows for a couple of crazy mid-air sequences. For most of the runtime it's just machine guns blazing though, which is much less interesting. Air Force One is a check-your-brain-at-the-door entertainment, formulaic (throw Ford's Jack Ryan movies into the pot for the full recipe), but not without its charms, though also, questionable motivations (we never find out what the traitor's deal is, and they make too much hay out of the VP not wanting to be president for a day).
4 years ago
On cinema at the cinema's avatar

On cinema at the cinema

Air Force One was basically shit. Not even Harrison Ford could save this.
6 years 11 months ago
IreneAdler's avatar


Not a bad action movie, although I didn't really like the whole propaganda thing they had going on... but great acting by Gary Oldman.
9 years 9 months ago
fetzu's avatar


Oh, my. The writing and acting is so abysmal at times it rejoins with the sublime.
12 years 1 month ago
Dieguito's avatar


Typical mid 90's. One-hero-man-movies!
12 years 11 months ago
foxdanger's avatar


Score: 3/5

1/5 - Please, DON'T see this movie... NEVER!
2/5 - Bad
3/5 - Good
4/5 - Excellent
5/5 - Perfect! The Masterpiece! Epic!
13 years 10 months ago
porscheguy19's avatar


"Get off my plane."

Awesome movie. One of Harrison Ford's classics.
14 years 8 months ago
Most wanted's avatar

Most wanted

Also a great movie. The special effects are not well compared to what we are used to today, but despite that a GREAT movie!
14 years 9 months ago
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