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SpacedJ's avatar


We are always changing. Every tiny piece of us lives and dies and lives again, endlessly replicating and replacing itself, never perfectly, always slightly different. When we die, our parts become different things, atoms and energy absorbed and dispersed into the world around us. We think that we are a single thing, a cohesive whole, but each of us is a biological Ship of Theseus on a journey to annihilation. And those that remain grieve the ones who are gone, and grieve the versions of ourselves that only exist in memory.
5 months 3 weeks ago
HebrewHammarMan's avatar


It may build a cult following. A few very impressive scenes happen and the mental game is fun for some audience members.

I read all three books. There's so much content in this universe that could be beautiful on screen. The trilogy is really great if you don't mind being hopelessly lost in a dark & cosmic sense of horror. Area X, aka the shimmer in the movie, is a cosmic, alien entity which escapes all understanding. Also, the Southern Reach, the science facility briefly shown in the movie, is a complicated territory of lies and spies.

If you approach this movie or the books like a puzzle that can be solved, then you will be frustrated and disappointed. It's a mystery to be played with and having a solution will only spoil the fun.

I'm a little disappointed that the 900 page trilogy is smashed into less than 2 hours of film. The movie is a kind of trailer for the books. Maybe the movie compliments the books. Overall I recommend both the movie and the books if you like sci-fi.
2 years 10 months ago
testudines's avatar


Tarkovsky+Alien+Prince of Persia(mirror) so no concept was original and even some FMA maybe.

1hour 15 minutes in you learn the plot which is very very slow... This movie has a pacing issue in my opinion.

Arrival had better cinematography&score in my opinion.
3 years ago
Mrtrick's avatar


There’s a considerable lack of serious science fiction getting the big budget treatment these days. And based on the lackluster box office performance of “Annihilation”, that’s probably not going to change anytime soon. Which is a shame, because we need films like this.

Natalie Portman is an obvious choice for the lead in a more cerebral sci-fi film. In addition to the trippier elements and intense horror dalliances, a great deal of attention is paid to her inner conflict which lends an indie film quality to the proceedings. She grounds the film, which is helpful in a story where one spends much of the time simply trying to wrap their head around what’s going on.

All of the cast does good work here, even though the rest of the characters are more archetypal. The film could be accused of leaning toward the Slowcore side of pacing, but it’s never less than intriguing. We get strong effects works, scoring, design and Cinematography. And despite the fact that a great many questions remain at the end, that very mystery adds to the films mystique. If you like great, heady science fiction, this is a strong recommendation.
4 years 6 months ago
Zuma's avatar


Christophter Nolan fans take note! You will love this film as it stupidly overexplains Every. Single. Thing. Constantly...repeatedly, depressingly. And on top of that it sucks plot hole shit.
5 years 1 month ago
Emiam's avatar


Different & Beautiful. What a nice feeling inside my body and mind after I finished it. Good music. Good CGI. Good cinematography. Great suspense. Great acting by Portman. But will I see it again?
5 years 2 months ago
heat_'s avatar


Bs at its finest. That's all.
5 years 4 months ago
Forzelius's avatar


bleh, last 20 minutes or so ruined it completely for me. Garland completely messed up imho. Good premise, intriguing journey, terrible ending. Ex Machina any day of the week for me.
5 years 6 months ago
d7v09hFpjf's avatar


Kind of a moronic sci fi movie, but pretty and entertaining
5 years 7 months ago
Earring72's avatar


Not my cup of tea. Looks good but story was silly with some illogical plot movements and in the end i was.....ehhhhh ok......
5 years 10 months ago
simo285k's avatar


Honestly, this had great ideas and intentions, but it left me mostly disappointed. Sure, parts of it was beautiful looking and the bear sequence was great.. But it didn't know if it wanted to be, it seems. Nice homages to Stalker, I can appreciate that, but I didn't much care for this movie as an overall piece. And don't even get me started on the CGI near the end. Very cringeworthy effects for this day and age.
5 years 10 months ago
aniforprez's avatar


i think a lot of people missed some of the motifs of the film and are not taking too kindly to it. here's one big thing most people have missed when i read talk about this film. spoiler i suggest people who didn't like the movie watch it again and try to pick up more closely on a lot of the themes the story uses especially the "cancer" theme and you might enjoy it more
5 years 10 months ago
audiopile's avatar


I’m not sure what is more disappointing; this movie or the amount of time and energy people have spent on it.

I’m very open minded when it comes to films and this one should have been right up my alley. As always I limited my exposure to anything related, all i knew was sci-fi and Portman. What could go wrong? Meh. I don’t want to think about it anymore.
5 years 11 months ago
chaybee1's avatar


Hands down, the most "lens flare" I've ever seen in a movie. Yes, rivals Michael Bay. So distracting. I like it though cause it reminds people that movies are fake.
5 years 12 months ago
252's avatar


I struggled with the slow pace, but the beautiful and original elements of this film more than made up for that! A fitting score. Portman and Isaac mix well. Lousy performance from some of the supporting cast.
6 years ago

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