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crazy_bitch's avatar


The only good thing about this boring mess is how forgettable it is. Waste of a great cast and a pitty, since the first two Ant-Man films were very original with their heist-theme and humorous approach. In this film I just can't care about anyone or anything, and the 'indiginous people are just waiting for an American to arrive and tell them to start the revolution and rally behind them' vibe doesn't help.
1 year 3 months ago
N2tZ's avatar


Take a shot every time someone removes their helmet/visor just so you can see the actor's face
1 year 1 month ago
Toastinator's avatar


I think the MCU is now officially past its prime. There were only 2 phase four movies that I really liked, Multiverse of Madness and No Way Home. Thor 4 was ok but all the rest was boring garbage. The Ant Man movies always had a disadvantage because hack director Peyton Reed was attached to them but on top of that, Quantumania's script is pretty bad too. They seem to have officially run our of ideas for fun setpieces with the Ant Man powers. The plot is so incredibly bland, it's amazing I still enjoyed this movie more than most of the shit from phase four. The Quantum realm looked boring as fuck. It couldn't be more obvious that the actors are just in front of a green screen all the time with a stock sci-fi background they found on Google images inserted in post. Compare this shit to the Avatar movies, those are basically all CGI and look fucking realistic. None of the main characters learn, grow (not like that) or have a character arc. Michelle Pfeiffer's character is stupid and annoying but at least the other main characters are still likeable. It's amazing that a movie with a shlock title set in the quantum realm, starring Paul Rudd, can be this bland.
1 year 3 months ago
chunkylefunga's avatar


Very average and lacks the humour of the original.
It's becoming noticeable that the MCU is struggling right now.
1 year 1 month ago
CodeV's avatar


Ant-Man group is back again, fighting in Quantum Realm. You can see fantastic views and characters (which are fantastic first 5 minutes).

Kick kick bang, some are smaller or bigger, more kick, more bang, here are some ants, kick kick bang!

Yes, finally a Marvel movie you can skip.
1 year 3 months ago
Filmbuff77's avatar


Interminably boring
10 months 1 week ago
boulderman's avatar


Jonathan was brilliant!!! Plot improved and great to see Kang and Molok

Otherwise average
11 months 3 weeks ago
Neens's avatar


Quite possibly the most pointless film ever made.
It starts, stuff happens, and it ends just as it started.
The only thing you need to watch for continuity are the post-credits.

I will say this for it, though: it is excellent to fall asleep to. Nap sorted.
4 months 4 weeks ago
DisneyStitch's avatar


I know that Marvel films are essentially an advertisement for green screens at this point but this one really had me dying to watch a "green screen" cut with all the CGI stripped away, there wouldn't be much of a movie left. There's nothing worth really watching here and the entire Quantum realm is pretty much hurled at you all at once so it very quickly becomes background noise. Doesn't have the zanyness that was characteristic of the first two films and it seriously shows. Virtually every character ends up with next to zero character development over the course of its bloated runtime. spoiler Oh, it's also a spoiler plot which you've seen a thousand and one times already and done much better elsewhere.
8 months 2 weeks ago
Torgo's avatar


Ant-Man more like Blandman

The MCU is finished.
10 months ago
mcmakattack's avatar


10 months 4 weeks ago
Ferneu's avatar


I think the MCU is now officially past its prime.

I thought the same. Except I thought that after watching every single movie that came after Iron Man. Except for Deadpool, of course.
1 year ago
Siskoid's avatar


Though it did evoke some elements of Disney's own Strange World, Ant-Man and the Wasp - Quantumania (quANTuMANia?) creates a world all its own in the Microverse--sorry, Quantum Realm--that gives the Ant Family new worlds to discover and makes it look like a Guardians film. I won't mince words, the Ant-Man franchise is one of the MCU's weakest overall, so the bar isn't high when I make the claim that this is perhaps the best of the three. Paul Rudd's performance is a bit simplistic for my tastes, and I'm rather disappointed this is what they gave Bill Murray to do - his acting style should have made him an Elder of the Universe! - but there are other people in the cast to like. Kang and Janet van Dyne are good, Hank Pym is cool as hell, Cassie proves her worth as Young Avenger, MODOK is sufficiently goofy (I know this is a minus to some, but get over it), there are some interesting and weird denizens of the Realm, and... well no, the Hope Wasp does nothing for me here. There's an excellent scene where Ant-Man is treated as an ant and shows where his heart lies, and they do find a way to have ant action despite being in another universe. Minor squeeing at the mid-credit scene, if you're a comic book nerd.
1 year 3 months ago
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