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Supposeably's avatar


Very well made and stylistically satisfying - but wowwww it was dull.
Also spent the first hour thinking I was listening to two Irish fellas. Need to work on those Czech accents a little...
5 years 4 months ago
d7v09hFpjf's avatar


I don't understand why they jammed 3 weird romance scenes into this movie that didn't belong at all. Other than that it's pretty powerful and fairly well done
6 years 11 months ago
yukononun's avatar


Having watched both this and HHhH, I have to say that I prefer this one. Although both films tell the same story, they tell them in a different enough way that they feel like two completely different films.

In HHhH, the film heavily focuses on Heydrich and his beginnings, to his rise, before his fall and the aftermath that proceeded it. While this was interesting, it unfortunately did not leave much room for the resistance characters to grow on me. By the time the end came, I was not heavily affected by their deaths.

In this film, it focuses entirely on the resistance, the assassination of Heydrich and the immediate aftermath. Heydrich himself is only seen briefly, so your attention is completely upon the resistance. I really felt for each character (especially the two leads, who had great chemistry) and the ending was very powerful.

I believe that the retaliation was much more brutal in this film, with the exception of Lidice. In HHhH it was shown in its entirety, but in this film it was quickly mentioned once, and never again. It was a very important thing to show (as Lidice should never be forgotten), so it was a shame that it was reduced to a brief mention here.

Romance-wise...people seem to be upset at the romance depicted in this film, which confuses me as it only took up around 20 minutes...of a 2 hour film. That's it. If it's considered a "Hollywood" film because of that, then they must absolutely hate HHhH. That film was absolutely packed with romance and relationships.

4 years 10 months ago
Earring72's avatar


Well made real life war drama about the planning, execution and horrific aftermath of of Operation Anthropoid, the assasination of SS General Reinhard Heydrich, the main architect behind the Final Solution and the Reich's third in command after Hitler and Himmler.
6 years 7 months ago
monty's avatar


Atentát (1965) tells the same story much better: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0174476
7 years 7 months ago
MMDan's avatar


It's ok.
7 years 1 month ago
der Zorn Gottes's avatar

der Zorn Gottes

What a shame that you can't make a movie in Hollywood anymore without ham-fisting a romance sub-plot in it. Even bigger shame is that they made that completely made-up shite the very emotional center of the whole fucking film, when there could've been potential to tell a truly moving story by just sticking to the truth.

Even the assassination scene got the Hollywood treatment, they just had to make Reinhard Heydrich look like a total bitch, because oh heavens someone might have got upset had they sticked to the truth and showed how he didn't just succumb to his wounds ASAP, but instead gave chase to the attackers for half a block.

Well, atleast the actor playing Heydrich looked legit and the MG34 sound effects were right. Gotta learn to respect the little things, since the big picture is beyond fixing in the good 'ol Hollywood.
7 years 6 months ago
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