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252's avatar


The things this guy does for Love and Hope. It's ridiculous. That was about the only problem I had with this movie. Other than that, it was quite captivating and I found the ending decent. Generic, but written well.

7 years 5 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


ARQ is a bottled sci-fi thriller in which a couple (Firestorm and Patsy Walker--I mean Robbie Amell and Rachael Taylor) keep reliving the same day because of a time loop. Since it's a day where they are assailed by armed killers, it's one you want to repeat until you get out of trouble, and on every loop, they (and we) learn more about their complicated situation and the hidden agendas of the intruders. It's not a bad way to explore a limited cast and environment, and the characters on both sides of the moral divide are clever and act intelligently. My one complaint is the ending, which I won't spoil, but there seems to be a more satisfying and ironic ending in obvious reach they don't go for. Maybe they considered it and decided it was a cliché, but what they came up with instead felt a little dull.
7 years 7 months ago
Gunness's avatar


Mostly comes off as derivative of many other similar, but better films. The characters are bland, and the apocalyptic setting could have been interesting if it didn't seem more like window dressing than anything else.

It does have a few, neat tricks up its sleeve, and the ending is well thought-out, but it's not enough to shake off the feeling of a very generic movie.
7 years 8 months ago
Jashezilla's avatar


An okay movie, and if it had come out before The Edge of Tomorrow, it might even be a great movie, but now it just feels like we've been here and done that before. (Time-travel pun intended)
7 years 7 months ago
Junker's avatar


You know, I think I've just about had enough of characters talking about events and/or people that we never see. It was nice sometime ago, but not anymore. And this whole movie is basically that. People talking about organizations/wars/people we never get to know, with some "action" sequences here and there. No.
7 years 5 months ago
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