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xianjiro's avatar


meh - at times interesting, but it's just an assemblage of footage. Lots of bits and pieces and pieces of bits. We're sort of focused on Peck, the choreographer, but then there's someone in the costume department using the washing machine to dye fabric. We see lots of rehearsals, but really never get to know any of the dancers. Peck watches his premiere - we don't get to see it - and gets right back to dancing chorus. Hopefully you get the idea.

While well-filmed for the most part, I wanted to know more about Peck's process: why did he choose the piece, what was he trying to say, did he accomplish what he set out to do? (I got more of this from the five minute 'making of' featurette than seventy-five minutes of movie). And if we're not going to get a step-by-step breakdown of the ballet's development, maybe some sense of how the dancers felt: what's it like to be dancing for one of one's peers, is he easy to follow and consistent, does he make one a better dancer? So many questions that aren't even touched on.

Maybe this is a film that only a dancer can appreciate, but as a lover of dance and cinema, this one just left me flat.
4 years 9 months ago
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