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petriuc's avatar


It's not as bad as critics say. It's not a very good movie,but it has its moments. There are problems with the tone of the movie , a bit too draggy in the beginning , but the ending ruined it for me. It should have ended 10-15 minutes sooner and not give us the straight - to - DVD movie ending b*llshit.
7 years 9 months ago
Earring72's avatar


Pointless remake. Avoid of any emotion or involvement with the leads. BAD ending and even the action was all shaky cam and uninvolving anfd lacking suspense. The 1959 version is a classic and superior. Whomever thought this was a good idea to remake.....
5 years 5 months ago
Jashezilla's avatar


The first 40 minutes or so was pretty hard to get through but it payed off in the end with that amazing chariot scene and a solid ending.
7 years 7 months ago
xianjiro's avatar


Coming soon, The Ten Commandments re-imagined for a modern audience. Or maybe Metropolis? Ugh. Some things are better left alone no matter what the filmmakers' good intentions may be.

For me, I found it hard to connect with the characters. Romans felt very one note, one dimensional and regardless what they tried to do with Messala, he felt very shallow. Freeman, as one would hope, had his moments, but it also seemed such a waste of great talents to use him as a narrative data dump. But the biggest problem I had was the pacing. Overall, this felt like a sprint. Even if you're not trying to get everything in, an hour and a half is roughly 75% more screen time (2016 v 1959). So while some complain about the first 40 minutes being a slog, maybe it's just a desire to get to the action. We needed character building, but it was more just an elaborate setup for the climactic chariot race. That brings another issue, and forgive me for pointing at the predecessors, but in the age of CG, the wonder is gone. While I knew going in that they actually filmed the actors in a circus, it was pretty easy to tell where living flesh gave way to animation. CG ruined the chariot race for me.

Now, all that said, if I hadn't seen two of the three predecessors (one of which I've probably watched at least 25 times - you can guess which), I'd probably shrug and say, "Okay. Not great. Not Baby Geniuses bad. Next ... " It does rather feel like movies they make these days. For better. Or for worse.
4 years 7 months ago
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