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fonz's avatar


Yes the acting. That acting! Perfect? Acting! Certainly from Michael Keaton who gives absolutely everything he has into what is an excellent meta-commentary performance akin to that of Mickey Rourke in The Wrestler. Everyone else shines as much as they can in his shadow. Even Edward Norton's self-aware performance can barely match the former-Batman. Two former big screen superheroes go head-to-head, and the one who played an iconic DC hero beats out Marvel. Certainly a complete reversal of current reality.

But that camerawork. Holy camerawork! Immediately I had to check Emmanuel Lubezki's CV to determine his current streak of absolute beauties and despite my not seeing all of his work going to the start of his career, I shall just say that including the weakness of some of the material that passes through his lens, his work is definitely the highlight of any film dud in his filmography. Does he ever take a break? Three released Terry Malick films, two to be seen, a Coen Bros. picture, and a couple of Alfonso Cuarón beauties. And that's just in the past ten years. He is literal fire right now, and coming off tons of praise for Gravity he looks to be in the absolute tops of his game.

Some of the disguised cuts are a bit obvious, especially in the second half but that's not really the point here. You have to give props to Alejandro González Iñárritu for his audacity to make such a compelling film and let it come off well. As it's been said elsewhere, ever since his brilliant debut, Amores Perros, his movies have had a steady decline in quality. But here, even with a long "tracking shot" that lasts nearly the length of the film, time just slipped by.

These are my initial impressions which came with an immediate desire to see it again. However, honeymoons do end and so with time, I might reevaluate my stance. But for now, this is the only film that I wanted to see this year that has actually exceeded my expectations.
9 years 6 months ago
opusaddict's avatar


Felt like an excellent modern (or digital age) surrealism version of Sunset Boulevard. Sharpened by one damn fine and super realist performance of Keaton indeed. Love the witty camera work&tricks (including some glimpse of the drummer) + magnificent jazzy-orchestral scoring make Birdman unexpectedly superb. I like how the storyline is unpredictable, toying with audience's expectation.
9 years ago
frankqb's avatar


A brilliant summary of how our own desire to cheat death by living immortally through our marks on the world -- and the vanity this stems from -- leads to conflict with others attempting the same, or loss, maybe humility.

Acting is incredible. Direction equally so. A unique score pounds throughout working on a few levels -- all meta-relavant to the discussion being had on screen: What do we talk about when we talk about anything?

10 out of 10. Four stars. 5 stars. However many you need to understand the brilliance of this film.
9 years 4 months ago
contrafugal's avatar


Props for originality of concept and flawlessness of execution (both technically and from the note-perfect cast).

The end result? Eh. It probably speaks many volumes louder to people who spend their life devoted to the craft of theater and film. GEE, I WONDER HOW IT GOT SUCH GREAT REVIEWS.

So I enjoyed my two hours in the theater, and I probably will never watch it again, and I'll be okay with that. Film students will jizz over it for years to come. So it goes.
9 years 2 months ago
arminko47's avatar


amazing camera work!
9 years 3 months ago
aryem's avatar


Micheal Keaton's performance was great in this film. What I found amazing though was the drum solo by Antonio Sanchez, that reminded me of Mr. Numbers and Mr. Wrench's theme in the TV series "Fargo".
The camera work was superb too.
9 years 3 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance) is presumably the only superhero movie to ever make the Best Picture category. Not that it's your usual superhero action film. Rather, it's about a washed-up movie star who used to PLAY a superhero, though he does appear to have actual powers in the film. That actor is now trying to gain some kind of credibility by staging a play on Broadway based on a Raymond Carver novel, and this brings us to the other unusual aspect of the film - it appears to be a single unbroken take, very much working LIKE theater. But beyond the strange premise (superheroes via the Vertigo aesthetic) and maverick technique, what I liked about the film was its various interconnected levels. Here we have actors playing actors who are echoes of themselves, acting in a play which creates a further echo of who they are in the film. Michael Keaton DID play a superhero in the 90s, and Edward Norton IS a notoriously difficult to work with genius. And this is all quite aside from what the Carver play says about the characters playing ITS characters. The film is also a meditation on the fleeting nature of fame, and how one handles it, seeks it, or ignores it. I suspect it's an Oscar darling because the portrayal of actors and their craft feels true to life. It certainly seems so, and I know enough theater actors to stake my reputation on it. And hey, I'm a sucker for magical realism, which Birdman also delivers. As you can see, it's a rich film, surprising on several levels.
8 years 10 months ago
Shingwauk's avatar


My thoughts are simple, I don't get it. Did I miss the comedy? Maybe I just couldn't see past the pretentious of this film.
9 years 3 months ago
Alex Rogue's avatar

Alex Rogue

I'm extremely glad that it won the Best Picture. It's true that Birdman is not a masterpiece,it is by no means perfect, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be recognized and honoured, when people who made it: the crew and the actors did such an amazing, unique job. Imho, it was natural that if they honoured the director (the most deserving one), cinematographer and screenplay, but they didn't do so with actors, they (the Academy) would find a way to honour the entirety of the project, because giving the top prize to Birdman means that the amazing, amazing performances have been awarded too.
9 years 2 months ago
Earring72's avatar


Offbeat movie that took some time getting in too, but was very rewarding. Keaton is absolutely terrific in a performance of a life time! Movie looks great but felt a bit gimmackly.
6 years 11 months ago
mariannepaqn's avatar


Best film I've seen in a long time. It's insanely creative, captivating, and simply unique. I absolutely adore the "one-take" concept. The camera work and photography is breathtaking. The actors are absolutely wonderful and deliver authentic, truthful, brutal performances. We can very well see that this film was done with passion and love. I want more films like this one!
8 years 9 months ago
lmkmoviemaniac's avatar


Riggan Thomson, a former Hollywood superstar famed for his avatar as the 'Birdman', has now fallen on hard times and tries to resurrect his dying career by staging an ambitious play on Broadway. He has to grapple with his gifts, his inner demons and also his relationships with his separated wife, girlfriend and drug addict daughter. To make things harder, he also has to manage practical issues surrounding the play and an eccentric co-actor who takes things too far often.

Brilliant performances by the galaxy of stars in the film. An engaging fare for sure. And lastly, no two opinions about the pulsatingly FAB drums score by Antonio Sanchez. Brilliant and mood-setting ...
9 years 2 months ago
Joker of Gotham's avatar

Joker of Gotham

One of the Best movies of the year, one of the best cast of the year, it is one of my favourite movies of 2014.

Thank god I was fortunate enough to see this on the theater.

9 years 3 months ago
Paulorsadv's avatar


8 years 2 months ago
MoutardedShroom's avatar


Be careful to show a cynical movie about cynical characters working in a cynical industry to a bunch of cynical moviegoers...

The first half is gorgeous. The second half gets lazy and familiar. Didn't quite like the ending (specially the last 30 seconds of film). I had a really fun time nonetheless
9 years 3 months ago

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