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Rasheru's avatar


I disagree with previous comments. The Chinese version was extremely good and even though it is indeed very long, I didn't feel like there were any dull moments. The mood is brilliantly set, and that is partially thanks to the pacing and the parts that were cut from the western release. Subs are highly recommended to get the full experience of the movie.
11 years 2 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


The second part of John Woo's incredible epic Red Cliff. Wow. This huge, almost five-hour film recreates some of the most famous battles of Chinese history from its Three Kingdoms era, with a wonderful cast headed by my personal favorite, Tony Leung. And while he's awesome in it, there are tons of other characters to love here, from the Mulan-like princess who goes undercover to the beefy warrior who tackles a horse. The film could have been shorter, but Woo fills it with so much detail and texture, I wouldn't want it to be. Each part has its own front and end credits, so it feels perfectly natural to watch it on two nights anyway. The length need not scare you.
7 years 1 month ago
dyin2live's avatar


If you saw the western edit of the film you have seen both Red Cliff I and II. The condensed western covers the entire story it is just missing some negligible parts in terms of the story such as a tiger hunt and the birth of a horse. But if you really want to get the full experience I would not it's a waste of your time to view both Chinese releases.
12 years ago
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