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traistboar's avatar


Comedy is hard. Thought this was way above average. Potty mouths and Georgy Girl worked for me.
5 months 2 weeks ago
satisfythecrave's avatar


There's something very enticing about this film, something that I can't easily sum up, but that I very much enjoyed watching.

This could easily have been edited to become a generic horror film, but I am so glad it was not taken in that direction.

Bridey Elliot's take on her fictionalized mother Clara - who strongly reminds me of Madeleine Kahn, if she was still with us and had a strong second wind of a career in indie films - is heartbreaking. She's isolated. She's surrounded by an asshole family who is too drunk to realize she's on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Utilizing family photos and songs from her 'happier' days in young motherhood, Clara has sunk so far deep within herself (mentally speaking, her state of mind could represent depression or dementia) that only a "ghost" can get her to stand up for herself. Kinda spooky, very dark, and even with it's 1970s aesthetic feel and aspect ratio, the dialogue between the family members is more modern than ever.

I wasn't even planning on seeing this film 'cause I remember Abby Elliot from SNL...and because my friend was on the crew. I'm glad I saw it.
6 years 4 months ago
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