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252's avatar


Qui Gon Jinn plows is married to General Holdo and talks about the road... not 'Taken'. It's not Taken, but his son gets taken out anyway. The coroner says he OD'd, but Qui Gon finds it suspect. "My son's not a druggie". So he takes a walk among the tombstones, and with the fury of a fantasy lion and zeus combined, he crosses some names of a list.
4 years 3 months ago
MrDoog's avatar


Strange one, it was... different.

Didn't realise it was a black comedy going in so that caught me by surprise. There's quality in here but there's also plenty to dislike. Bateman's acting was awful.

It's the sort of movie I could see people saying they either love it or hate it.
5 years 2 months ago
Earring72's avatar


Offbeat action/black comedy that's lacking in focus and some serious annoying acting but has it's moments.
2 months 1 week ago
Siskoid's avatar


I couldn't make up my mind if I should watch Norway's In Order of Disappearance before Cold Pursuit - same movie, remade by the same director for American audiences - but ultimately, if I was going to pay to see Cold Pursuit, that's the one for which I should be the least "spoiled". The change of venue certainly inspires interesting differences even sight unseen, like the participation of a Native mob, but while I might end up liking the original more (I'm giving myself a few weeks), this version is pretty cool too. Liam Neeson on a murderous revenge spree, we've seen before. In a world where movie tropes are deconstructed and made to follow real world rules? That feels a lot fresher. Cold Pursuit, then, turns into a black comedy in the style of Blue Ruin, or the Coen Brothers, and that's right up my snow-plowed alley. The villain, an angry granola drug baron, is particularly amusing, but he's not alone. Hans Petter Moland finds a way to make all his characters distinctive efficiently, so that we care just a little bit more when they are killed or survive. Like winter, the subject matter is grim, but damn if it wasn't a fun time at the movies. We giggled a lot.
5 years 2 months ago
Jace Lightner's avatar

Jace Lightner

Very creative!

5 years 3 months ago
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