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Torgo's avatar


You know the official ICM list 366 Weird Movies?
This would be in it.
2 years 5 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


Something of a modern fairy tale, Cryptozoo's indie animation style isn't the prettiest, but it certainly delivers on crazy (but also well-researched) visuals. Creatures and beings from myth and folklore are real and they live among us, but as humanity is big on torches and pitchforks, and governments want to harness some of their powers, there is the Cryptozoo - a sanctuary for all the cryptids, in the form of a theme park where humans can get used to their existence and even work with them. Lake Bell supplies the voice of a cryptid liberator who must recover a Japanese dream-eater before it's used against the hippie movement, and you'll find that this is very much about counter culture and the forces trying to snuff it out - whatever it may be at any given point in time. But it also explores the legitimacy of the Cryptozoo's methods and doesn't necessarily agree with its own characters or premise. I don't think it's saying that minorities should play to the majority audience, or that the burden is on them to prove their value. It's a complex piece of work. And I wish it were for kids, because the message is good, but nudity, sex, violence and language are issues parents might want to look at before pressing play. Bonus points for a legitimate Tarot reading.
5 months 3 weeks ago
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