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Siskoid's avatar


Based on Mike Pondsmith's role-playing game in the wake of the video game release, Cyberpunk: Edgerunners provides 10 episodes of anime insanity - kind of like Akira: The Series, but still inventive in its own right - about a teenager who accidentally gets military cyberware and joins a group of 'runners, fatally moving towards a final confrontation with the military itself. The show is slick, looks amazing, has a cool soundtrack, and is filled with action, but it also nails the genre's atmosphere. Dark City is bleak and hopeless, so you might as well give it the finger. Live fast, die young. It's in the world-building elements that I find the most resonating images. Though there's of course a larger story being told, the show is a bit more episodic 'round the middle, when the punks might be on different assignments (I never played the RPG, and was always a little iffy on how to deploy cyberpunk in a game, but the show is very instructive in that regard), and there's a tragic romance at its heart that achieves some poignancy. There's almost too much going on, frankly, but it should provide some rewatchability. If they go on to do more Cyberpunk mini-series, I'd love to see a Netrunner at the center of things, because that element still seems fairly abstract here. That, or for a complete change of pace, a story built around a rockerboy/girl.
1 year 5 months ago
robcuiper's avatar


Very well done! It also feels "real" because I've visited the places in the videogame.
1 year 6 months ago
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