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Comments 1 - 5 of 5

TheInfanta's avatar


Everything is great about this film, the cast, the costumes, the music, the cinematography. I used to watch this over and over as a kid and I still don't get tired of watching it.
13 years 1 month ago
RM's avatar


This is a "chick flick" with "guy stuff." It has poetry, romance from afar, some really good period battle sequences, and ultimately "Panache." One of the best truly romantic moments as its climax.
8 years 5 months ago
ucuruju's avatar


While I'm not as crazy about it as some others, there is simply no comparison between this and the newer Peter Dinklage version. The poetic language, the lavishness, the performances-- it's just ridiculously superior. The best example of how this movie does it better is how it treats the ostensible "villain". Joe Wright and co. make him a mustache-twirling grotesque while this version allows him to have dignity and depth. I'm not a Hollywood detractor, but time and time again they underestimate their audience. This doesn't.
2 years 2 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


I watch the 1990 Cyrano de Bergerac with GĂ©rard Depardieu every so often (and yet have never reviewed it), and still remember the feeling of seeing it in theaters all those years ago. We came out of there effortlessly rhyming. That's how immersive its poetic world is. If it is the superior version, it isn't just because it's the most faithful to the play, but because it does what film does best relative to theater. It allows the actors to speak in a quiet voice, and act in close-up. That means Depardieu can alternate between Cyrano's bombastic, fearless, public persona, and his shy, insecure, sensitive side. Plays put on film and earlier cinema wasn't always able to do this, but it makes all the difference. I cannot watch this production without smiling through the first acts, and bawling through the last. When I watch English renditions of the story, these are the words and line readings I hear in my head to compare. And it's a good-looking picture as well, as lavish as any high-end period piece, with beautiful music (though I was amused to note this time that the scene where he fights a hundred men makes it sound like he's Tim Burton's Batman). I wish everybody could understand French just to get the full effect, but hopefully, the musicality of the language will register with others
5 years 4 months ago
juanittomx's avatar


At last!... I've known all my life about this films but today was the day, fine work but not so attractive to me. There are better french films about this time.
11 years ago
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