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Zov's avatar


A.k.a The Tiger: An Old Hunter's Tale.
7 years 3 months ago
monty's avatar


A major disappointment, this tedious exercise in clunky CGI and banal storytelling is best left forgotten on the slag heap of cinematic failures.
7 years 5 months ago
der Zorn Gottes's avatar

der Zorn Gottes

Well... Atleast the Korean tiger CGI has gotten a bit better since War of the Arrows, still a bit too laughable to be taken seriously. I kinda went into this film waiting for a historic, realistic period piece, but ended up with something between fantasy and adventure.

Once again the Koreans manage to make a film that depicts the ever so lovely Japanese Imperial Period, and does so in the only way they can, by making the Japanese look like the Nazis in Steven Spielberg movies, creatures that nearly move on all fours and grunt instead of speaking. Really getting tired of this shit, maybe they should just stop making these period pieces since they keep turning out shit every single time. Just keep to the revenge/gangster scene and I'll be one happy camper.

And once again we are also treated with Min-Sik Choi in a very forgettable role, just like the one in Roaring Currents. Such waste of a great GREAT talent. Well, atleast the Korean Chris Avellone, Man-Sik Jung, gets a bit more screentime than usual, although the character is shallow as all hell, but still, much love for that.

The story could've been great, had they kept it realistic and gritty, instead they went for the fantasy route, where the tiger isn't even an animal, more like the Predator. Sure I understand that the tiger is supposed to be a near godlike creature, but enough is enough. I'll give some credit for the beautiful scenery though.

Boy dem Japs sure can't shoot for shit, eh? Nearing the end of the movie I was thinking that the climax will prolly be Min-Sik Choi and the tiger joining forces and fending off hordes of Japanese soldiers while finally succumbing to their wounds side by side... Lo and behold I wasn't even that far from the truth, they just changed the joining forces part to a Gandalf vs Balrog duel companied with falling through time and space and finally dying side by side... Truly great filmmaking... NOT!
7 years 9 months ago
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