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jal90's avatar


I guess I understand why and it is also on my own a little bit for just not being into it, but the visuals here are not good to me. They are oversaturated, filled with unfiltered stimuli, and above all they are, consequently, completely devoid of emotional gravity. It seems like a constant search for the mesmerizing without a basic understanding of what makes visuals mesmerizing, the emotional reward behind it.

And it is also bad because it fatally damages the rest of the film; the characters and the story are all subjected to this exhausting logic of aesthetic climaxes without buildups one after another, and so they feel equally lifeless. A pity, because the premise is good and because it lets something permeate in the very few moments it is quiet enough to pay attention to its own potential. The end credits are a lot more of how I'd like this film to be than how it ended up being.
2 weeks 6 days ago
musicismylife29's avatar


The visuals are mesmerizing and just beautifully stunning. It is a feast for the eyes. Unfortunately the plot is just average at best. Still got me a bit emotional at the end. View it as a treat for your eyes and you will quite enjoy it.
4 months 4 weeks ago
Torgo's avatar


Utterly insane visual bombardment. An everswirling CGI kaleidoscope of colors undersea, with more full RGB assault in every frame than you'll see in the rest of this year's animated movies combined - and yes, I am including the latest Spiderverse. That's how overloaded the animation is. The thought that this was screened in 3D in some places of the world (if you were lucky) makes my head explode!

As for the story and characters, it heavily draws from Spirited Away with a bit of Howl and Ponyo (sure, given the setting), only lacking their heart and the grandmaster Miyazaki's ability to make the viewer understand what is going on.
It's quite a mess, dividing the communities of Letterboxd and IMDb the same, but what an unique, glaring mess it is. Could become a milestone if others learn to borrow from it again. Or just let Yuasa direct an expensive 3D-animated film and see what happens ..
5 months 1 week ago
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