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wooble89's avatar


Enjoyable silly little DTV horror movie with bad acting. You'll know if that appeals to you. (DTV from the early 90s, not today's standards.)
9 years 11 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


Here's a drinking game. When David Goyer wrote the script to something, finish your drink if the McGuffin proves to be blood. In the case of Demonic Toys, it's got a demon trying to get himself born, so I guess it makes sense this time. The demon currently haunts a toy warehouse and has perverted a bunch of creepy toys, creating some pretty cool horror imagery, and I really like the unusual resolution, which also comes with some commendable stop-motion animation. (Full Moon so rarely has the budget for something this well done.) Structurally, it does make you wait the length of an act for even a hint of horror. It starts off as a cop movie, agreeably led by Tracy Scoggins, whose new pregnancy may be the demon's gateway into our world. Demonic Toys builds its mythology quickly and efficiently, and though it's a crazy B-movie, it does work as a metaphor for pregnancy anxiety, especially given the police officer's situation. Some characters act very stupidly indeed, but for the most part, this is a nice surprise, providing horror and humor alike.
4 years 11 months ago
Dieguito's avatar


Piece of garbage!!
12 years 10 months ago
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