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Siskoid's avatar


Diplomatie (or Diplomacy) is a French-German film based on the play of the same name, and its roots are obvious - this is essentially about two men talking in a single room. The film collapses the historical timeline to present the decision by Nazi general and Paris' governor von Choltitz NOT to destroy the City of Lights as the Allies advanced on it in a single night of debate with Paris-born Swedish Ambassador Raoul Nordling. Looks like there are still WWII stories left to tell. Obviously, we know how this page of history turned out, but the film nevertheless retains its tension, perhaps because it's really about saving a man's, and a nation's, soul. Will von Choltitz make the right decision, or is Nordling only buying time before the point becomes moot. We're left with an engaging conversation about ethics, the realities of war, our duty to history and to the future, Nordling pulls out all the stops to insure the city's protection, and both actors put in an excellent performance. It wouldn't work otherwise.
7 years 7 months ago
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