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Siskoid's avatar


Disaster! is essentially a take-down of Armageddon (the film, not the Biblical event, though it may precipitate it) using stop motion puppets. The humor is adolescent at best, with lots of gory deaths for the characters, fart jokes aplenty, and sex, sex, sex, sex, sex, Disaster! keen on out-Team America-ing Team America. And that's where it fails, really. It's not unfunny, especially if, like me, you are derisive of Armageddon, but there's just much "ha, puppet porn!" you can enjoy, especially when it's this thoughtlessly misogynistic. It seems that even the most competent female character is a vessel for male characters' sperm, (gladly!) suffering more indignities than the males. It's annoying as hell. Especially since there are some good moments whenever the movie takes shots at sci-fi/disaster movie tropes, or when you notice some clever piece of set dressing in the background. And unlike Not Another Friedberg and Seltzer Movie(TM), there's actually an action story here. Shame the creators never outgrew their G.I. Joe/Barbie fanfic.
7 years 4 months ago
moldypoldy's avatar


12 years 8 months ago
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