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nick121235's avatar


After a second viewing I have more to say- Atmosphere. Atmosphere. Atmosphere.
I cannot stress enough how important atmosphere is to a film- especially a horror film.
And Tobe Hooper delivers. Tobe Hooper is one of those directors who made a few genre revolutionizing films back in the 70's-80's and then disappeared from the public view, his later movies being all but ignored by the mainstream and slated by the press.
Djinn is not a revolutionary movie. It is not the high budget, sleek horror films we are used to today, yet it's a far cry from the trashy, cheap, yet psychologically powerful films Tobe Hooper made decades ago.
Djinn falls somewhere in between. It can be corny and cringey, full of cliched pop-up scares and bad dialogue.
But Djinn is fresh, it has an idea that is new, not derivative and overused, and it has an overpowering atmosphere as well as a riveting sense of location.
Djinn will not be your favourite movie, but it's far from the worst you've seen on your current horror movie watching binge. Have fun.
7 years 7 months ago
Thorkell's avatar


Agree. Not a bad film at all!
6 years 9 months ago
nick121235's avatar


I was very pleasantly surprised by this film. I expected a lot worse considering the rating and bad reviews but it was actually much better than it seemed it would be. Djinn did use a lot of the typical scares and tactics of traditional movies of the genre but the acting was good and it brought a fresh subject. I would say it's a solid 7/10.
8 years 4 months ago
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