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Siskoid's avatar


The Spanish film Smoke and Mirrors doesn't really earn its original title - The Man with Thousand Faces - but is nevertheless a slick biopic at the crossroads of the con game and spy thriller genres. It follows former spy Francisco "Paco" Paesa through the 1990s as he hornswaggles a corrupt Minister in exile and keeps the authorities back in Spain thinking. It's possibly one of the longest cons every committed, and at least inspired by true events. Director Alberto Rodríguez has an eye for color and makes the narrative move at a lively pace, but - and this might be because I didn't know a single thing about this current affair (as is probable for most North Americans) - I was at times wondering just what was happening and who was who. Eventually, the confusion is dispelled, but there's a wealth of detail here that could have fueled a mini-series easily.
6 years 5 months ago
acoltismypassport's avatar


Also known as 'The Man with a Thousand Faces', and 'Smoke & Mirrors'.
7 years 3 months ago
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