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Supposeably's avatar


Relieved when it was over. Found it uncomfortable (not in a good way). Well acted though, and stylish in it's appearance.
6 years 10 months ago
dianeorbetty's avatar


Seemed like a mediocre thriller at first, but then I realized the movie was less about Emelie and more about the oldest son, who metaphorically and actually, is forced to confront the harder parts of growing up at an accelerated rate. Whoa.
4 years 7 months ago
samoan's avatar


This movie was ok. Not terrible, not great. I found it just really slow and a bit boring at parts. Not scary at all. I mean unless you have kids and are leaving them with a new babysitter you never met, checked did for or even checked references on and went to see this movie. Then maybe it would be scary. The acting was good overall and there are some parts that showed a lot of potentials to be a good scary movie. There was one scene that was really badly acted by the dad [spoiler] when he is in the cop car and is telling the cop to hit the gas and the lights and go go go. The cop was already speeding with the lights on and you can't tell a cop what to do. Also, the way the line was delivered was really poorly acted. When they finally get home why are people just standing around outside on their lawns int the middle of the night? There wasn't enough noise to make them come out. [spoiiler] Worth a watch if you have nothing else to watch but otherwise you aren't missing anything. Watch The Babysitter.
4 years 8 months ago
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