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Siskoid's avatar


Fit to Kill is goodbye to most of the cast of the 3B films - the only real exception is CHiPs' Bruce Penhall whose Chris Cannon sticks around to maintain the semblance of continuity (other actors return, but not in any recurring role) - most notably the end for Dona Speir's Donna who has been headlining the series since Hard Ticket to Hawaii. I was never a big fan of her female Rambo persona, always preferring the other ladies to her, but I fear the series will go South without her. Julie Strain essentially picks up the baton, here appearing as a cold-hearted assassin working with the bad guys. She has a very striking look, tall and more catsuit than fatigues (we'll see if that translates to her recurring character), but her acting is quite wooden. I don't know if they knew it would be Donna's last hurrah. On the one hand, she makes comments like "My work here is done" and gets plenty to do. On the other, they leave it with a "get you next time". While Donna's well served, this is not one of the better Triple Bs. The dialog is cornier than usual, the editing is limp, there are blatant continuity errors, Kane is given a kind of redemption arc thanks to his dad being a Nazi(!???!), and Sidaris more overtly makes this a comedy, which he's not pacy enough to pull off. Edy is given a lobotomy to make her gags work (cute, but out of character), the jokes fall flat or act as red herrings, and the bit where Roger Moore's son (who plays Kane) fantasizes about being in a James Bond opener has cringy "dancing" from Speir. Still watchable, but throw some popcorn at the screen to blow off some steam.
3 years 5 months ago
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