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Ressa's avatar


I think Fury is what it attempts to be. David Ayer wrote and directed a raw, unsentimental and explicit war movie without bullshit. I don't see the lack of background stories as a bad thing. There is none, because Ayer doesn't want there to be. It's war in its rawest form "Dont get to close to anyone" as Pitt aka. ‘Wardaddy’ tells ‘Norman’ in the beginning. This goes for us too. Even though we don't know the crews childhood background Ayer and the fine acting performances manage to establish both repulsion, sympathy and understanding for the 5 main characters.

This movie is not propagandic or patriotic, as some comments suggest, when all the killing, badmouthing and so on aren't objectively justified in the movieplot. We simply just see the war from the view of a single American tanks crew. That's it! And my guess is that such a crew really wasn't fund of German Soldiers in real life either, but that's doesn't mean they are right about everything they say and that the Germans weren't humans. We are just shown what possible could have happened in a American tank. Nothing else is insinuated.

I agree that it is not a deep movie full of character-development and well-written dialogue, but it doesn't tries or needs to be. It has its flaws and weaknesses, but basically fulfills its goal. Fury is in the end, and in all its simplicity, a good and entertaining war movie in in my opinion.
9 years 5 months ago
DisneyStitch's avatar


I think it's because I've seen way too many war pictures to name, but I really didn't think it was nearly as groundbreaking as some of the pundits are claiming it to be. We hardly get any back story on all the characters we see and so it makes it very difficult to get in touch with any of them. Even Pitt's character is merely just "another guy in a tank" along with the rest of the cast. It is very gritty however and you can tell they were going for a Saving Private Ryan-ish kind of vibe for many scenes but it doesn't resonate nearly as well. It's an entertaining movie but I won't be putting it anywhere near my top 10 war picture list anytime soon.
9 years 6 months ago
crazy_bitch's avatar


Sadly, not a good movie. It has some good angles and ideas but never delivers - it makes an honest attempt at being about the real horror of war, and it does so by being gritty and brutal, but it just never feels right because it's so unrealistic.
At the start it's still pretty decent and seems to have potential, but then it becomes more and more absurd and towards the end I just wondered why Ayer wanted so much to make World War II look like Star Wars with his fictional tracer effects.
Another thing that disturbed me (although if this was the only problem with the film, I wouldn't complain) is the lack of detail when it comes to the Germans and German. For once, all German soldiers seem to be the same familiar "evil villan" persona; which we might overlook since we see them from the perspective of the tank crew. As for the language, the German dialoge is full of phrases and sentences that are grammatically correct, but not something a German would say. I'm a native speaker of German and I had to translate what was said into English to make sense of a lot of things. That means all the lines were written in English and then translated into German, which often gives a result that's just odd. Maybe I'm splitting hairs by faulting the movie for this, but I see it as a symptom of the lack of care that was put into many aspects of this production.
7 years 11 months ago
Biki's avatar


Nice hair cut, Brad.
8 years 7 months ago
aussieflickfan's avatar


The movie had a nice sense of the main characters' depression and almost mental breakdown about it, which I felt would have been close to the truth.
8 years 10 months ago
Boei's avatar


Great movie that turns to shit in the final chapter
9 years 6 months ago
danisanna's avatar


Great performances. However ... lacking in plot and a bit dull, despite the rawness of the movie
5 years 9 months ago
adastras's avatar


I thought it was great... up until the ending, where it became exceptionally average. The way the characters behaved during the climax was nothing short of idiotic, and was very unbelievable.

It's a shame that such a well made movie would leave you with such a bad taste left in your mouth.
7 years ago
JimEastwood71's avatar


It's like Das Boot but in a tank. Very good film! Too bad David Ayer is such a hit and miss director, I wish more of his films were this good.
7 years 6 months ago
Earring72's avatar


Very rough and gritty war drama!!!!! Forget about backstory, it's just about 5 guys in a tank and the absolute horror of war and how it will bring out the worst in everyone.

Story could use some more plot and some the final is a bit stupid but I really liked the movie.

The Blu Ray looked and sounded AMAZING!!!!!!
8 years 7 months ago
V012's avatar


David Ayer has devolped a very keen sense of style. He has repeating ideas in film, such as Fury and End of Watch. Such ideas as intense scenes, strong attempts to horrify viewers, blunt truth, gritty and dark atmospheres, focus on cops, military or policeman, bloody formulas, spoiler ect. These sorts of motifs in his films seem like he is a perfect choice for Sucide Squad considering what WRB is going for.
9 years 4 months ago
Limbesdautomne's avatar


Incitement to war crimes

Read more in French on La Saveur des goûts amers.
4 years 9 months ago
ynrozturk's avatar


It was better than I was expecting it to be, which is not saying much. Shot well, but the music was overbearing at times. Just too much. And the ending is pretty bad.
8 years 3 months ago
Szilva's avatar


Jesus, nobody saw before the Battle of the Bulge?
9 years ago
audiopile's avatar


OK, this was a stimulating hollywood modernized version of WW2 fantasy, but it's no history lesson. The tracers and wardrobe are not accurate to the era, not even trying to be. They hit all the points that make a successful movie but I'm not falling for it. Yuck. And has Brad Pitt lost his chops? Horrible wooden acting. 4/10.
9 years 3 months ago

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