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Gamera 3: Revenge of Iris
108 min.
Shûsuke Kaneko
Action, Drama, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Horror
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7.1% (1:14)
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  1. Shidan's avatar


    The entire trilogy is more mature, but this one is really crude. This films takes quite a lot of risks, and I value that, but I think the previous movie was better.

    At the end it still is a Kaiju movie, so I came to see Kaijus, Gamera 2: Assault of the Legion has a perfect balance between human characters, exposition and Kaijus, but this film is inconsistent and sometimes incoherent.

    First, Gamera has been almost completely good in the previous 10 films, and sometimes it wasn't that well developed, but at the beigining of this movie they want us to believe that Gamera is bad, they make Gamera kill people when that is not part of the character, yes, Gamera still does it by accident, but in every previous film Gamera actively tries not to harm people. It is not only incoherent because of that, but because this is the same Gamera of the previous two movies.
    Also, the kid is very stupid, she hates Gamera for killing his parents (understandable), but she also helps Iris when that creature killed more of her family and actively wants to kill people, but still she hates Gamera and help Iris... really???

    At last, spoiler

    Even with these little problems, the film is very good and unique (something few Gamera movies are), one of the best Gamera Films. But I still prefer Gamera 2: Assault of the Legion and Gamera The Brave over this one.

    If you are interested in Gamera, I personally recommend Gamera: Gamera: The Giant Monster, Gamera vs Barugon, Gamera vs Gyaos. But the best are the 90's Gamera trilogy and Gamera The Brave.
    11 months 1 week ago
  2. Siskoid's avatar


    The 90s cycle of Gamera films ends with Gamera 3: The Revenge of Iris, a more emotional entry in the franchise than usual, and the one with the best effects, though 90s CG is still 90s CG. Looping back to Gamera 1995, we find out Gamera stepped on a young girl's family during its fight with Gyaos, and indeed, the film does show the incidental terror caused by even a heroic kaiju. That girl survives and 4 years later finds a kaiju egg, and bonds with the creature that comes out of it, which she dubs Iris after the family cat. Well, Iris grows up to want to destroy Gamera and the world, and part of the story has to be about the cast from the previous films trying to make the girl see reason. Huge battles. Lots of destruction. A Gamera that is getting sick of humanity and is perhaps a more ambivalent monster. And a lot of world-building too, playing with the myth of Gamera and Gyaos, tying it into Chinese astrology, etc. There are, in fact, so many intriguing ideas here that it's a real shame they didn't go on to make more Gamera movies in this universe. Its lack of focus puts it just behind Attack of the Legion for me. 5 years 11 months ago
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