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SpacedJ's avatar


Major (1995): There are countless ingredients that make up the human body and mind, like all the components that make up me as an individual with my own personality. Sure I have a face and voice to distinguish myself from others, but my thoughts and memories are unique only to me, and I carry a sense of my own destiny. Each of those things are just a small part of it. I collect information to use in my own way. All of that blends to create a mixture that forms me and gives rise to my conscience. I feel confined, only free to expand myself within boundaries.
Exec #1: I don't understand. Nature of consciousness? Can an artificial entity have a soul? When technology and biology merge, where does the human spirit live? Um, English please?
Exec #2: Yeah man. Let's just Jason Bourne that shit.
Major (2017): I know I have a past. I'll find out who I was.
7 years ago
Alec Chalmers's avatar

Alec Chalmers

The dumbed-down, shinier version
7 years 1 month ago
Gowens's avatar


In a few years time, this remake will be looked at in a much more positive light.
7 years ago
God's avatar


scarlett johansson is my favorite asian actress <3
7 years ago
MonsieurBlutbad's avatar


Better than the first Lucy
6 years 11 months ago
greenhorg's avatar


Way too many complaints about 'white-washing' surrounding this remake, and nowhere near enough complaints about the nipple-washing.
4 years 10 months ago
MoutardedShroom's avatar


this one has no ghost at all
7 years ago
Larkspire's avatar


Nothing on the original and I hated the ending (Major's choice, specifically). Not to mention the specific version of whitewashing chosen here - just straight-up making Major white would have been much more understandable.

Still, it looks pretty, the combat cinematography is nice, and live action + cinematography definitely does better justice to Batou's eyes and the weird nude stealth suit.
7 years ago
Lukeshow's avatar


I loved it, I really liked the anime and the fact that it is so dark, this one is not as dull as the anime and they made it more digestible but at the same time they not corrumpted the original idea. I think is fairly enough attached to the original story and the aesthetic is flawless.
7 years ago
Nightwalker's avatar


6 years 3 months ago
Hasturion's avatar


While I understand the fan reaction, I feel like there is more to like here than the movie's reception would have us believe.

The brutalist architecture, the reliance on practical props and prosthetics is successful.
The story is much more clear than the anime, which many will see as a fault, but I disagree.
The anime reduced plot related dialogue to minimum, to spend more time on philosophical pondering, and on spectacular action. By focusing on a simple story of quest for one's identity, the movie gives context to a lot of Kusanagi's questionings from the first movie, and makes it central to the main plot, while keeping things digestible.

The issue is that the rushed pacing fails to let those questionings breathe, and results in blunt and silly dialogue. The editing often fails to make scenes flow.
As for the action, the attempt to recreate the scenes from the anime for an american audience end up placing the movie at a disadvantage. the framing the editing aren't as precisely choreographed or visceral as their model (the weapons and cybernetic bodies feel quite weightless). And the scenes end up disconnected from their context.

As for the whitewashing aspect, the movie features many asian actors, and the fact that Kusanagi's been whitewashed is addressed in the plot. While it remains a cynical corporate decision, I kinda dig how it is criticized by the movie itself.

Not a masterpiece. Not a disaster either.
3 years 4 months ago
Toastinator's avatar


This movie was so boring. I didn't care about the plot or any of the characters, the action was filmed poorly and there was literally nothing interesting in this film. Don't watch this movie except if you need reference for a funny youtube review.
3 years 10 months ago
smokehrbar's avatar


The story is messed up. Characters are weak and flat. Motoko has a dumb background that destroys every opportunity to bring in the main themes of gits: the lack of the experience of a real body, the nature of the ghost, the line between a machine and a human (there is not, but in this movie Motoko says some bullshit like "I know I'm a human") and so on.
No interesting dialogue, the photography is cool only when it mimics the anime.
If you like it I can assure that I'm judging you.
7 years 1 month ago
Videl's avatar


Don't take the medicine, when they tell you to take the medicine!!
7 years 1 month ago
xortuna's avatar


Despite its departure from the original anime, 95% of the film is good and benifits from the modernisation.

Unfortunately the last 10 mintues of the film really falls flat on its face, because the ending requires the very themes they omitted from the original. It leaves the film limping across the finish line with a few limbs dismembered.
To fans I can understand hating this and the reaction isn’t undeserved. To new viewers I think there’s enough to keep you entertained and the story is much more digestible than the anime.

By no means it’s a terrible film, but it’s called Ghost in the shell, there is no ghost and no shell.
5 years 1 month ago

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