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CinemaDump's avatar


The next entry in Jackie Chan's Police Story series is Supercop which goes through a bit of a change in tone. Compared to its predecessors, Supercop turns the dial up on crime movie and turns the dial down on the silly comedy. There are still some slapstick elements, comedic moments and Jackie Chan still has his comedic timing but the overall feeling has changed.

That's not to say that Supercop isn't any good though. The stunts may seem less grand at first until you get to the final 30 minutes where they are simply mind blowing. Quite honestly, Michelle Yeoh practically outshines Jackie Chan's stunt efforts and like the master himself she does all of her own stunts. She's got real talent and there is some legitimate chemistry between her and Jackie Chan. Not romantic chemistry mind you, cop chemistry!

Chan Ka-Kui has been put on a collaborative case between the Royal Hong Kong Police Force and Interpol that requires a "supercop." He is of course that supercop given his past heroics. Jessica Yang who is played by Michelle Yeoh isn't too impressed with him though so there are some amusing standoffs between the two characters.

The mission is to infiltrate drug lord Chaibat's organization that will require Chan Ka-Kui going undercover. It's a dangerous mission and Ka-Kui doesn't tell his girlfriend May what he's up to because he doesn't want to make her worry. Yes, Maggie Cheung is still here as is Bill Tung as "Uncle" Bill Wong.

Jackie Chan didn't direct this entry but Stanley Tong does a fine job. I'm pretty sure that for the action choreography, Jackie was the one really in control and it would be madness not to take advantage of his knowledge. There are a couple of gun shootouts that seem to be outside of what should be in a Jackie Chan movie but I personally enjoyed them for what they were.

Like I said, Michelle Yeoh hits this one out of the park with her determination and blatant disregard for her own safety. She takes a page out of Jackie Chan's book and she also does well when it comes to doing comedy. The Chan/Yeoh team up is a definitive match made in heaven.

I can't help it, but I miss the old silly tone of the two previous Police Story movies. This can probably be attributed to Jackie Chan not being one of the writers of the script. All the same, I respect the efforts to try and make Supercop an evolution instead of just a knockoff. Jackie Chan took more of a back seat for this entry and as a result the finished product feels like less of an extension of himself. We still get the wonderful ending credit blooper montage which is always a great thing about Jackie Chan movies.

Supercop is a slow boiler before it turns up the heat in the final act. It's an enjoyable undercover cop movie that utilizes its main characters well and the baddies are also fun to watch. It's worth it just to see Michelle Yeoh pretty much upstaging Jackie Chan. Despite the change in tone, there are some really laughs to be had and it's a fun movie overall.

10 years ago
DJPowWow's avatar


aka: "Supercop"
12 years 9 months ago


One of my favorite Jackie Chan flicks.
9 years 3 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


Supercop: In the 90s, I went to see this film for Jackie. Today, I'm watching it for the wonderful Michelle Yeoh (despite intentions, everything about this movie screams that SHE is the title Supercop, sorry Jackie) and Maggie Cheung, in a thankless role, on whom I have something of a crush. Great action, and any weaknesses in the plot are forgiven by the end of the film's 15-minute action finale.
7 years 5 months ago
shitmovies's avatar


Typical that plebes here shit on Police Story II (the best in the series with the best chase of any movie ever made) and say they like this one because Yeoh is in it. You're so goddamn predictable. Fucking simps.
1 year 8 months ago
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