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Comments 16 - 17 of 17

boulderman's avatar


Good. Better than expected and enjoyed the teasers in it. Certainly not a bad film and despite recent pace issues with films (for to editors) this was fine! Epic visuals!

Yes the fights were in the dark but that's atmosphere?! Always hard to have drama/characters with monsters as the main characters, Jaws anyone?!

Charles wears his beret incorrectly, the badge needs to be over the left eyebrow. (Someone wearing the red beret had it pulled to the left which is incorrect too).
2 years 6 months ago
somnomania's avatar


I really enjoyed this a lot, it was an excellent sequel. It started off a little slow but got much better. It provided more monsters, which was one of my only complaints about Godzilla (2014), that it needed more monster screentime, and Mothra's big reveal was honestly so beautiful and awe-inspiring that it moved me to tears. It had more humor, mostly in the form of Bradley Whitford straight-facing some good quips throughout. Not sure why people are complaining about it being dark and/or boring; turn your brightness up, and enjoy a pretty good monster movie for what it is.
4 years 1 month ago

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