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Irish charm makes up for any problems this flick has. It's fun, silly and features the ever enchanting Ruth Bradley. Also, a really great monster death!
10 years 11 months ago
essaywhu's avatar


Loved it. The Irish humor is hilarious and the film was fun.
1 year 7 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


Grabbers is a fun creature feature set on an Irish isle beset by tentacled monstrosities from space, with Coupling's Richard Coyle an affable, damaged lead who must try to stem the tide while mostly being drunk. It many ways, it's a bargain basement Edgar Wright movie, most similar in content to The World's End (which came out a year later!), though of course, not as accomplished. And yet, it's still a lot of fun and plays its beats for comedy. And if you have to fight an alien invasion while piss drunk, you might need both movies (the threat is completely different). It has a strong sense of place, but could also happen in any small sea-side town, I'm taking notes, I am. You don't live in a fishing village? Add Attack the Block to your marathon. The Grabbers are cool and their biology is well thought-out, but the film is driven by its characters and hangs on their insane plan to keep the small town out of harm's way during the attack (just don't ask where the kids are, that's just too big a plot hole for me to fill right now). A nice little modern B-movie for your collection.
4 years 5 months ago
The_Comatorium's avatar



My Review
10 years 6 months ago
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