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Aissi's avatar


Pretty funny. Well worth the 90 minutes.
8 years 6 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


Canada should make more westerns. Or at least western comedies like Gunless. I'll like almost anything with Paul Gross in it, so this purchase was a no-brainer. Gross plays the Montana Kid who unknowingly crosses the Canadian border when running from bounty hunters and becomes a fish out of water in a small Canadian frontier town (filmed in southeastern British Columbia) where, well, they just don't have pistols. The plot isn't particularly groundbreaking, and I'm sure you can imagine how it ends, but there are a lot of charming and funny surprises 'til then. Best of all is that the film doesn't shy away from examining the gunslinger's conscience, how he justifies what he's done, and how much it weighs on him. There is truth here.
8 years 11 months ago
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