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Siskoid's avatar


After a year of watching Karen Gillen and Lena Headey prank each other on Instagram, I was excited to see Gunpowder Milkshake (great title). It didn't quite live up to expectations, but it still won me over. First, the action wasn't always convincing (Gillen moves awkwardly and there's too much slow motion), and there's no question the recipe for this milkshake is John Wick in a blender with a big Léon cherry on top. But if it's Jane Wick in terms of the world it's building, the ridiculous action beats are more akin to a Wick parody. John Wick is a procedural compared to this. It's also a nice mother-daughter team-up and you can't help but love the librarians (what a perfect cast). What puts the flick over the top is its production design, caught somewhere in the mid-20th Century despite Gillen's anime cereal box and jammies, it's all 40s fedoras, 50s locations and 60s neon, lit in Giallo colors. It's gorgeous. At the same time, I was impressed at how they didn't prettify the protagonist - Gillen's assassin is as beat-up and haggard as any male action star might be at the end of this.
2 years 10 months ago
boulderman's avatar


Great title, great action, good film. Ok dialogue, cliché soundtrack 6/10
2 years 8 months ago
BadFluffy's avatar


Fun pop-corn action movie. I'm not sure why people compare it to John Wick since it's got humor, characters and good acting. I guess it must be because there's a place killers can't bring their guns? I dunno.
Anyway, if the sight of pretty women kicking ass doesn't shrink your manhood, you'll probably enjoy this. Otherwise, stay away.
2 years 10 months ago
samoan's avatar


Overall it was ok. Has some fun action scenes and a great cast. But overall felt the Korean movie Villianess, and kate were better movies. Easy to see the obvious influences that John wick had on the mcoi and I am all for more John wick style of films. Definitely worth a watch. Even if it isn't the best assassin is tu be on by their organization for a job gone wrong revenge movie, it was still fun.
7 months 3 weeks ago
nowhereman136's avatar


In the 90s, we got a bunch of crime films that tried to be Pulp Fiction.

Today, we are getting a bunch of action films trying to be John Wick. This is that, style over substance. Without John Wick to compare it to, maybe this film would fair better. But since that isnt the case, it just feels like a lesser imitation. not terrible, but something im gonna remember down the road much.

2 years 10 months ago
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