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Zolex's avatar


This is a very nice indie film. It's stripped down to the basics, and the plot is supershort and simple, but it has a good real life feeling to it. Not what I was expecting at all, but I liked it, I think.

If you can enjoy slow and simple indie films, this is a good film for you. If you're looking for more drama and/or humour with a lot of things going on, and with the typical Hollywood-feeling, you should probably stay away.

I have very mixed feelings about this, and I think this is one of those movies you have to watch while being in a certain mood, but I'd place this somewhere between 6 and 9/10.
9 years 6 months ago
snowman181's avatar


Underrated, a proper piece of mumblecore, even with Kendrick and Dunham
8 years 1 month ago
The_Comatorium's avatar


I think Anna Kendrick is adorable but my god did I hate her character in this film. Drinking Buddies was 10 times better but it's still a nice little indie film.

Joe's son is hysterical.
9 years ago
senorroboto's avatar


Like Olehofsoy, I'm left mixed by this movie. The scant plot takes a long time to get going, especially for an <90 min film, but it is pleasant and has likeable characters.

I found that the improvised mumblecore dialogue was dull and too lengthy at times, although it got better as the movie progressed and the pace picked up, it seemed to change from a pantomime of how people actually talk to an excellent facsimile.

The baby, actually the son of director and co-star Joe Swanberg, is adorable and a true talent. Babies are natural improvisers.
9 years 6 months ago
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