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Neens's avatar


Not bad at all, but I feel the premise deserved something a little more engrossing. The film gets a bit slow and boring in places. Also the end was a bit too spoiler for my liking. I enjoyed pondering the philosophical questions the film poses, though.
1 week 1 day ago
Siskoid's avatar


Can you become the thing you pretend to be? Definitely. But be careful about what that is. My favorite Richard Linklater film in years, Hit Man is a full entertainment - a comedic take-off from a real story about a college philosophy professor who posed as a hitman on the weekends in police sting operations who eventually falls for one his clients/suspects, at which point you fear he's veering into Film Noir territory. It's very funny, but it's really sexy too, with powerful chemistry between the leads. Glen Powell gets to show a lot of range in the various hitman guises (many inspired by movie killers, I wish I had a decoder ring), creating a real audition tape for himself. Not that he needs it post Top Gun; he seems to be in everything these days. Adria Arjona also shows she should be having a better career than she's had to date (like, she was in Morbius, yo). And despite the suspense, the hot romance, and the laughs, it's still recognizably a Linklater films where characters are driven by key conversations, and the whole thing is foregrounded by philosophical discussions in the classroom.
1 week 6 days ago
chunkylefunga's avatar


Can't really go too wrong with Linklater.

Worth a watch but not amazing.
1 week ago
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