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Siskoid's avatar


When we came out of How to Blow Up a Pipeline, a kid who worked at the theater asked us if it indeed showed us how, and I had to answer "No more than Ocean's Eleven shows you how to rob a casino", but it's certainly more procedural than THAT, even if it is built like a heist movie (they had me at hello), albeit one that includes scenes of eco-radicalization. Entertaining activism cinema that knows just what to keep secret from the audience so that the reveals are pleasant, and when to cut away to character-driven flashbacks to ramp up the tension. Like a heist picture, the plan is ingenious and well thought-out, and then things start to go wrong and it's all about adaptation and forethought. Very well done on that score. And speaking of score, a shout-out to the sound design, which had those doomsday synths my brain associates with the first couple Terminator movies. Big thumbs up to Ariela Barer who stars, writes and produces.
1 year 1 month ago
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