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I Spit on Your Grave: Vengeance is Mine
92 min.
Richard Schenkman, R.D. Braunstein
Crime, Thriller, Horror
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2.9% (1:34)
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  1. samoan's avatar


    The movie overall is ok, The other 2 were much better. The other 2 were intense, disturbing and really kept you at the edge of your seat. This movie was ok, more like an revenge vigilante movie then rape revenge considering the main character becomes a vigilante instead of getting brutal revenge on people that wronged her. All the characters that are male in the movie act like either rapists, assholes or men who have alternative motives. Also in the first movie the Angela was likable and you really felt sorry for her and then wanted to see her get revenge. When she did, it felt like the rapists got what they deserved. In this she just goes around hating all men and assuming they want to rape her. So it is hard to really like her and when she goes on her vigilante mission, it isn't quite the same feeling. The premise was fine, as the character from the first movie is using her trauma to fuel her anger at sickos and rapists. But it would have been a lot better if they just made the character more likeable and more relatable. Then you would root for her to get the bastards. The could have showed her as a strong woman who is trying to overcome her nightmares and past. At the same time starting a new life and making friends and not hating all men. Then when tragedy strikes, she goes all Charles Bronson on the bastards, you would be like ya get them they getting what's coming. Also we never really see what happened to her friend, so it is even harder to feel like people get what they deserve since we don't really know what they did. So overall if you liked the first two and are interested in seeing where the story goes, rent it, otherwise skip it. Not terrible and not great. Just ok. Plus the ending really screws up the rest of the movie's message basically making the character go from vigilante to spoiler 8 years 6 months ago
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